JUN 15 1993
<br />BOOK 89 PnE 817 -1
<br />The hour of 9:05 o'clock A. M. having passed, the County
<br />Attorney announced that this public hearing has been properly
<br />advertised as follows:
<br />Published Daily
<br />Vero Beach. Indian River County, Florida
<br />Before the undersigned authority personally appeared J. J. Schumann, Jr. who on oath
<br />says that he Is Business Manager of the Vero Beach Press -Journal, a daily newspaper published
<br />at Vero Beach In Indian River County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being
<br />In the matter a 41 Ar
<br />In the Court, was pub -
<br />0
<br />lished In said newspaper In the Issues
<br />Afflant further says that the said Vero Beach Press -Journal Is a newspaper published at
<br />Vero Beach, In said Indian River County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore
<br />been continuously published in said Indian River County, Florida, each daily and has been
<br />entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Vero Beach. In said Indian River Coun-
<br />ty, Fl6rlda, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of
<br />advertisement; and afflant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm
<br />or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this
<br />advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. I .
<br />Sworn to and subscribed before m c*.zhUD 9 A.D. 19
<br />(SEAL)
<br />N" lift, %to 6f %W
<br />Cminds" N*As Ame 29, 1993
<br />Notice of hearing to s' er the adoption of a
<br />froff. M General
<br />==4—vocr Office. Cormodal,
<br />Residential District. The sub
<br />r %speerry Is J=
<br />err t
<br />sently owned by Theola D. erry, M.
<br />son, Ossle W. Jacitson, and Vely lackson,'Z
<br />rbr southwest
<br />*=Is located at
<br />39th Street, and contains approxi -
<br />0.18 sa�Z sub*4 = gas in the
<br />ft..M nF. 14 aso section 26,
<br />Township 32S, Range 39E, lying and being In Indian
<br />River County, Florida.
<br />A h= at which parties In Interest and
<br />CIU.M an opportunity to be heard, will
<br />be held
<br />Indian RZ the Board of County Commissioners of
<br />County. Florida, In the County Commis-
<br />sion Chambers of the County AcImInIstration Build -
<br />Ing, locatedl at 1840 25th Street, Vero Beach, Flor-
<br />ida on Tuesday, June IS. 1M, at 9:05 amL
<br />( The Board of County Commissioners may adopt
<br />another zordng district, other than it* district re-
<br />quested. provided It Is within the am* general use
<br />category. I I .
<br />Anyone who may wish to anyj=
<br />which i%riwm III ne er�-
<br />t;:y be made at this mee
<br />sure W4 verbatrn record of the proceedings Is
<br />made, w Incatles testimony and . evidence upon
<br />which the appeal Is based.
<br />Anyone who needs a special accommodation for
<br />this meeting must contact the county's Americans
<br />with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator at 567-80M
<br />extension � 408 at Wast 48 hours In advance of
<br />mes".
<br />Indian River County
<br />Board of County Commissioners - 0'
<br />By-.-sachard N. Bird, Chairman
<br />May 24, IM 1002118
<br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated June 3, 1993:
<br />18
<br />J*
<br />Subject
<br />13�operty
<br />39th ST
<br />F2WT
<br />Notice of hearing to s' er the adoption of a
<br />froff. M General
<br />==4—vocr Office. Cormodal,
<br />Residential District. The sub
<br />r %speerry Is J=
<br />err t
<br />sently owned by Theola D. erry, M.
<br />son, Ossle W. Jacitson, and Vely lackson,'Z
<br />rbr southwest
<br />*=Is located at
<br />39th Street, and contains approxi -
<br />0.18 sa�Z sub*4 = gas in the
<br />ft..M nF. 14 aso section 26,
<br />Township 32S, Range 39E, lying and being In Indian
<br />River County, Florida.
<br />A h= at which parties In Interest and
<br />CIU.M an opportunity to be heard, will
<br />be held
<br />Indian RZ the Board of County Commissioners of
<br />County. Florida, In the County Commis-
<br />sion Chambers of the County AcImInIstration Build -
<br />Ing, locatedl at 1840 25th Street, Vero Beach, Flor-
<br />ida on Tuesday, June IS. 1M, at 9:05 amL
<br />( The Board of County Commissioners may adopt
<br />another zordng district, other than it* district re-
<br />quested. provided It Is within the am* general use
<br />category. I I .
<br />Anyone who may wish to anyj=
<br />which i%riwm III ne er�-
<br />t;:y be made at this mee
<br />sure W4 verbatrn record of the proceedings Is
<br />made, w Incatles testimony and . evidence upon
<br />which the appeal Is based.
<br />Anyone who needs a special accommodation for
<br />this meeting must contact the county's Americans
<br />with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator at 567-80M
<br />extension � 408 at Wast 48 hours In advance of
<br />mes".
<br />Indian River County
<br />Board of County Commissioners - 0'
<br />By-.-sachard N. Bird, Chairman
<br />May 24, IM 1002118
<br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated June 3, 1993:
<br />18
<br />