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F,"- U [ 2 7 wr, <br />BOOK 90 PAGE 54 -7 <br />I feel that the Oslo Road corridor should be included in the Land <br />Use Plan change due to the fact that this land along the corridor <br />does lie within the j mile corridor of the U.S.A. utility expansion <br />program. Most importantly, by allowing the one unit per acre <br />density development will be efficient and facilitate the economical <br />use of the utility lines that are going to be installed in this <br />corridor. development will enable the repayment of the cost of <br />installing these lines in the neighboring right-of-ways. And, as <br />Indicated by staff in it's April 16th, 1993 memorandum, "the net <br />increase in the total number units over the proposed 3200 acres <br />would not exceed the building permits issued in the year$ 1990 thru <br />1992". "Thgreby, including the entire_ 3200 acres as originally <br />Proposed would not increase the counties allocation ratio." <br />Thus, I eat in favor of including the Oslo Road carrldor in the <br />proposed land use change from AG -1 to R, or increasing the allowable <br />houbiriy Units from i per 5 acrea to 1 rosidsnce per 1 acre. T feel <br />this land use change would be a benefit to all, better utilization <br />of the utilitida, employment opportunitica, and an increased tax <br />base for the county. <br />As a suggestion, if some people still do not want to be included in <br />the comprehensive plan change., then leave them out and give my <br />property the increased use designation. <br />I apologize for not being able to attend this meeting in person. <br />Chairman Bird announced that he received a telephone call from <br />Mr. and Mrs. Barney Green who are in favor of the proposed change. <br />The Chairman opened the public discussion and asked if anyone <br />wished to be heard in this matter. <br />Freda Hoppe, 1140 66th Avenue, noted that the current plan <br />excludes her property but she would like it to be included in the <br />change. <br />Clausson P. Lexow, 3540 North Hills Drive, Hollywood, Florida, <br />represented Southeast Citrus Capital Corporation which owns and <br />manages about 1,000 acres of groves in St. Lucie and Indian River <br />Counties, and approximately 500 of those acres would be affected by <br />this change. He was in favor of the proposed change to the R land <br />use designation and suggested that the same designation be on both <br />sides of the street. He felt that staff's concern about the impact <br />of the residential allocation ratio could change. Speaking from <br />the perspective of a developer, he thought that 3 units to an acre <br />makes it economically feasible to endure assessments. He thought <br />that three units per acre allows for a respectable residential <br />development and would not add unreasonable trips to the road. <br />18 <br />� � v <br />