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FJUL 27 199.3, <br />BOOK 90 FA -7 <br />CE 6® <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Adams, that a Comprehensive Plan <br />amendment be brought forward, both for the potable <br />water sub- element and the sanitary sewer sub - <br />element, to allow expansion of the utility services <br />to those properties located outside the urban <br />service area and either wholly or partially within a <br />quarter mile of the urban service area boundaries. <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Macht clarified that the effect <br />of this proposed amendment would be to allow anyone who is <br />currently living outside of but within a quarter mile of the <br />service area to be able to get service if service is readily <br />available. Water and sewer service currently is prohibited outside <br />the urban service area. This amendment will not change the urban <br />service boundary and will not change any land use designation. <br />Chairman Bird asked how the amendment would affect utilities, <br />and Director Pinto responded that property owners would have to <br />make a decision whether they want to be included at the time of the <br />assessment. <br />Commissioner Eggert wanted to make every effort to clarify the <br />possible confusion and make absolutely clear to property owners <br />what consequences will follow for those who do not choose to be <br />included in the expansion, and not just immediate consequences but <br />long range consequences as well. The costs should be spelled out <br />in detail so that they fully understand the import of not being <br />included in the expansion. <br />Director Pinto explained that the normal assessment procedure <br />would provide the means to furnish that information. The property <br />owners would be notified of the assessment, and if they do not want <br />to be included, they will be given all the information so that they <br />have a clear understanding of the consequences. If they decide to <br />be excluded, that fact would become a part of the public hearing. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the possible ways to handle <br />property which will be excluded from the assessment. <br />Director Pinto advised that the size of the project would be <br />determined and those calculations would dictate the size of the <br />lines. The important thing is to inform the property owners of the <br />consequences of being excluded from a project. <br />Commissioner Macht asked for a restatement of the motion. <br />Commissioner Eggert restated the motion. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />It was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />24 <br />