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B. Specific criteria for towers over 140' in height <br />requiring special exception use approval. <br />1. Suitable protective anti -climb fencing and a <br />landscape planting screening shall be provided and <br />maintained around the structure and accessory <br />attachments. Where the first fifty (50) feet of a <br />tower is visible to the public, the applicant shall <br />provide one canopy tree per three thousand (3,000) <br />square feet of the designated fall radius. The <br />trees shall be planted in a pattern which will <br />obscure the base area of the tower, without <br />conflicting with the guy wires of the tower; <br />2. All towers shall submit a conceptual tower lighting <br />plan. Louvers or shields may be required as <br />necessary to keep light from shining down on <br />surrounding properties. Strobe lights must be used <br />unless prohibited by other agencies; <br />3. The reviewing body shall consider the impact of the <br />proposed tower on residential subdivisions near the <br />project site; <br />4. All property owners within six hundred (600) feet <br />of the property boundary shall receive written <br />notice; <br />5. Applicants shall explain in writing why no other <br />existing tower facility could be used to meet the <br />applicant's transmitting/receiving needs. An <br />application may be denied if existing tower <br />facilities can be used; <br />6. Towers shall be designed to accommodate multiple <br />users; <br />7. A condition of approval for any tower application <br />shall be that the tower shall be available for <br />other parties and interests. This shall be <br />acknowledged in a written agreement between the <br />applicant and the county, on a form acceptable to <br />the county, that will run with the land. <br />Note: the above referenced agreement shall include <br />(but not be limited to) specific language for: <br />a. the use of the site for accessory structures <br />as necessary, <br />b. that any licenses or easements be granted for <br />utilities as needed, <br />ce that the cost be market value and commercially <br />-reasonable, <br />d. terms of a covenant running with the land, <br />e. that any such expansion of the facility be <br />compatible with the Bell South Mobility <br />frequencies, <br />f. and that the responsibility for permitting and <br />coordination be that of the entity desiring <br />co -use of the facility. <br />33 <br />BOOK 9.0 PAGUF_ 69 <br />L_ JUL 27 1993 <br />