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ANALYSIS: <br />The proposed ordinance contains 16 sections (see attachment #5). <br />Sections -1 - 12 contain actual proposed LMR amendments. Sections <br />13 - 16 contain standard legal provisions contained in all county <br />LDR ordinances. A description and analysis of each section <br />follows: <br />SECTION 1: Residential Resorts <br />At its May 25, 1993 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners <br />directed staff to initiate, for further consideration, amendments <br />to the existing residential resort LDRs. Specifically, the Board <br />directed that consideration be given to the following issues: <br />1. Requiring residential resorts to be reviewed and approved as <br />planned development (P.D.) special exception projects. <br />2. Increasing the minimum project area from 25 acres to 50 acres. <br />3. Prohibiting the conversion of all or a portion of any existing <br />or approved conventional residential project to a residential <br />resort. <br />4. Requiring that a residential resort project include or be <br />located adjacent to commercially zoned property. <br />In addition Lo tnese four issues, a fifth issue, the definition of <br />"residential resort", was discussed at the May 25th meeting. Based <br />on that discussion, the Board determined that the definition should <br />be reviewed to consider defining more specifically the term <br />"...extended resort and vacation stays." The proposed LDR <br />amendments (see attachment #5) would implement revisions to address <br />these five specific residential resort issues. <br />As stated at the May 11th and May 25th Board of County <br />Commissioners meetings, it is planning staff's opinion that the <br />existing residential resort regulations and required special <br />exception process can adequately address the impacts and <br />surrounding property owner concerns related to such uses. However, <br />it is also staff's opinion that there is justification for each <br />proposed addition and modification to the residential resort LDRs. <br />Staff has analyzed the five residential resort issues previously <br />described, and has proposed specific LDR amendments that would <br />address each issue. The proposed LDR changes are analyzed below. <br />1. Residential resort projects shall be reviewed and approved as <br />planned development projects, rather than special exception <br />projects only. [Reference: see proposed changes to the <br />"residential resort" definition and changes to 971.41 (11) <br />(c)] <br />Justification: Currently, residential resort projects can be <br />approved via the special exception approval process or, as an <br />option, via the P.D. special exception approval process. Thus, <br />currently, the P.D. process is optional rather_ than required. <br />The special exception process requires public hearings before <br />the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Board of County <br />Commissioners, as well as surrounding property owner notice <br />and advertisement of each hearing. The planned development <br />(P.D.) review and approval process parallels the special <br />exception process but also provides the county more authority <br />and discretion in reviewing project details, including issues <br />relating to project appearance and aesthetics. In addition, <br />the P.D. process provides the Board of County Commissioners <br />authority to review any proposed project modifications that <br />would increase project intensity or decrease buffers. Because <br />the residential resort concept is based upon a resort project <br />having the appearance of a conventional multi -family project, <br />it is justifiable to require a type of review process (such as <br />5 <br />BOOK 90 PnF 6 <br />