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Commissioner Eggert asked, and Director Wright responded that <br />the penalty for a first bite is $25 plus costs. <br />Commissioner Adams was concerned that the medical facilities <br />are not required to report animal bites to Animal Control. Every <br />time an animal bites a human, it should be reported, whatever the <br />cause, whether it be teasing, abuse or whatever, and if the animal <br />bites a human again, we will have that recorded history. <br />Director Wright assured the Board that Animal Control has a <br />good relationship with the medical community and this is the first <br />complaint regarding the reporting of animal bites. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Tippin, the Board unanimously upheld <br />staff's conclusion and recommendation. <br />APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO TOWER SPACE LEASE BETWEEN INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY AND PAGING NETWORK OF FLORIDA, INC. <br />The Board reviewed memo from Emergency Services Director Doug <br />Wright dated September 30, 1993: <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners <br />THROUGH: Jim Chandler, .ounty Administrator <br />FROM: Doug Wright; Director <br />Department of Emergency Services <br />DATE: September 30, 1993 <br />SUBJECT: Approval of Amendment to Tower Space Lease between Indian <br />River County and Paging Network of Florida, Inc. <br />It is respectfully requested that the information contained herein be <br />given formal consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at <br />the next regular scheduled meeting. <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />On November 27, 1990, Paging Network of Florida, Inc., entered into <br />a Tower Space Lease with Indian River County. Recently, the company <br />requested permission to modify or amend the existing lease to permit <br />them to duplex the paging equipment and add a pole -mounted satellite <br />receiving dish adjacent to Hobart Tower. <br />While the additional equipment will not have a significant impact on <br />operational expenses at the tower, staff felt the County should <br />receive some benefit for allowing the satellite dish antenna to be <br />located on site. After some negotiations, it was proposed that the <br />Company would provide the County with twelve (12) Bravo Plus pagers <br />for use by emergency response personnel for the term of agreement. <br />The County would not be charged for the pagers (a value of $2,368.80 <br />per year). <br />37 <br />0 C 121993 BOOK �� Fa�� 754 <br />