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OCT 1 2 1 <br />t BOOK 90 FAGS 755 1 <br />ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS <br />The pagers will provide a coverage area from Central Florida to the <br />Florida Keys and includes Mini -Mail which will allow for up to <br />sixteen (16) different messages which can be retained in memory. The <br />pagers have a vastly larger range than pagers on the County system <br />and would be beneficial in terms of accessing emergency services <br />personnel who may be out of the county. <br />The amendment to the existing Tower Space Lease also includes <br />language that the Company would replace any pager which becomes <br />defective and the County would replace any pager that is lost, <br />stolen, or destroyed at the rate of $100.00 per pager. <br />RECOM11ENDATION <br />Staff recommends Board approval of the Amendment to the Tower Space <br />Lease between Indian River County and Paging Network of Florida, <br />Inc., and requests the Board authorize the Chairman to execute the <br />necessary documents. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Chairman Bird, to approve the amendment to the Tower <br />Space Lease with Paging Network of Florida, Inc., as <br />set out in staff's memorandum. <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Adams was concerned because <br />this is not a real arm's-length transaction and it sets a bad <br />precedent because the next offer may be for a bucket of tomatoes. <br />Commissioner Macht agreed, and stated that we are not in the <br />barter business and we do not know that the need for pagers is <br />equal to the normal lease charge on the tower. <br />Director Wright recounted several occasions where the County <br />exchanged tower space for other consideration. The pagers will be <br />of value to the County. They reach from central Florida to Key <br />West, and when County personnel are out of the county, they can <br />avoid long distance telephone calls to check in. Director Wright <br />assured the Board that this agreement was reached only after due <br />consideration and in light of similar agreements in the past. The <br />pagers require only additional equipment in the equipment room and <br />not additional antennae on the tower. <br />Commissioner Adams preferred to pay for pagers and receive <br />payment for tower space. <br />Commissioner Macht thought that we lose accountability for <br />budgetary purposes when we get into the barter business. <br />Commissioner Tippin was confident that this is a good <br />agreement since similar agreements have been executed before. <br />Administrator Chandler advised that Paging Network will supply <br />the pagers to us in addition to the annual lease payment of $2,040. <br />38 <br />