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BOOK 9 1 FA^F2)'7 4 <br />2. An alternative should be provided to the 110% of tower height <br />setback, whereby an engineer -certified design fall radius <br />could be used to establish a .shorter setback. <br />3. Provisions must be made to allow towers greater than 70' in <br />height in residential districts, where an applicant <br />demonstrates that legitimate amateur radio communication needs <br />require a tower height in excess of 701. <br />Staff's proposed transmission tower LDR amendments comprise <br />thirteen sections (A -M) which address the necessary changes. The <br />amendment sections are described as follows: <br />A. This section defines the term "transmission tower" as any <br />structure which supports an antenna and the antenna structure <br />itself. The proposed definition specifically states that the <br />toner height is measured vertically, from the ground to the <br />highest point of the structure (including the antenna). <br />B., C., D., F., G., -H., I., & J. <br />These sections involve the use -tables for. -the non-commercial <br />districts in which residential units are permitted uses, and <br />would specify that towers less than 70' are permitted uses <br />regulated by provisions in Chapter 917 (discussed later in <br />section K.). Also, these sections would allow a transmission <br />tower of 70'-140' in height in all residential districts as an <br />administrative permit use, subject to Chapter 971 specific <br />land use criteria (discussed later in section M.). <br />E. This section involves the commercial district use table, and <br />establishes the same tower. allowances in the PRO and OCR <br />districts (where residential uses are permitted uses) as would <br />be allowed in the residential zoning districts. Tower <br />allowances in the MED and CN districts would be made the same <br />as tower allowances in the other commercial distvicts. <br />K. This section amends Chapter 917 and establishes setback <br />provisions for towers less than 70' in height for all <br />districts (residential and commercial). For towers up to 351, <br />normal setbacks would apply. For towers 35'-701, a setback of <br />110% of the tower height would apply unless the engineer - <br />certified design fall radius option in section 971.44(1)(d)l <br />is satisfied. <br />L. This section amends a portion of Chapter 912 which parallels <br />Chapter 917 provisions. This section would amend that portion <br />of Chapter 912 to make it conform to the Chapter 917 changes <br />described in section R. <br />M. This section amends Chapter 971, updating the list of zoning <br />districts in which 70'-140' towers are allowed, and <br />establishing special criteria for amateur radio communication <br />towers over 70' in height. The proposed criteria would ensure <br />that in residential districts such towers would be accessory <br />to an allowable principal use. Also, the criteria would <br />require any applicant proposing to construct a tower over 70' <br />in height in a residential district to demonstrate that the <br />proposed tower height is necessary for effective amateur radio <br />communications. <br />12 <br />_ M <br />