<br />TUESDAYa SAY 2nd 1933 _...._ __.. _. _.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at
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<br />the Court House in Vero Beochr, at 10:00 o'clock A.M.Tuesday, May 2nd 1933s Vith the
<br />following members of the Board present: J.J.P.Hamilton, Chairman; J. D. Yongue; Wm. F.
<br />Feazell, John M. Knight and Edwin A. Helseth. Also present were miles Warren, Clerk
<br />and William FrickiMeriff.
<br />The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved.
<br />Members of the School Board appeared and requested a part of the funds derived froi
<br />race track taxes be given to the School Board to assist in paying off its obligations.
<br />Cdr. J. W. Copeland, representing the Century of Progress Exposition appeared before
<br />the board urging a donation from Indian River County, out of the race track funds, to
<br />assist in placing 1
<br />c Florida a x t
<br />d Exhibits in the Exposition at Chicago. He was advised he
<br />a matter would be taken up and consideration given this request.
<br />It was ordered that the Sheriff be requested to levy on the J.W.Brunen house in
<br />Vero Beach, under execution in case of Vero Beach Bank & Trust Co . , -vs- It J .W.Brunen,
<br />at al., which judgment has been assigned to Indian River County, and A.G.Even is auth-
<br />orized to bid not less than $250.00 at Sheriff's sale and pay all cost of Sheriff and
<br />advertisement. The County agrees to accept assignment from said Even on the Board of
<br />Public Instructions for the amount bid on the place, provided he has that much coming
<br />f roma said Board.
<br />J.D.Yongue and Edwin A.Helseth, members of the Committee to look over the pile
<br />driving outfit which was to be purchased from G.G.Crosby, with their approval, advised
<br />the Board that each were opposed to such purchase because same could not be used for
<br />general repairs.
<br />It was ordered that an advertisement be prepared to receive bids at the next
<br />regular meeting for complete repair of center fender of the Vero Bridge, all piling,
<br />approximately 75 in number to be of cresote.
<br />It was moved by Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Com'r. , Yongue that the sum of
<br />$2504.00 be given to the School Board out of the race track funds received.
<br />The Clerk was instructed to write Pauly Jail Building Company, St. Iauis, and
<br />ascertain whether or not it will be willing to accept $5,000.00 on Jail Time Warrants
<br />at this time.
<br />It was ordered, W.J.Norton, Winter Beach, be placed on the pauper list to receive
<br />$6.00 per month.
<br />..x
<br />It gas ordered 'Preaoher Bain, negro, Sebastian, be placed on the pauper list to
<br />receive $5.00 per month.
<br />It was ordered Mrs. John Yates, Fellsmere, be restoted on the mothers Pension list
<br />to receive the SUM of $5.00 per month.
<br />It ams ordered that past due rent of Otis M. Cobb be set at $10.00 per month for
<br />18 months up to January 1st 1933, and an allowance of $126.65 be made for repairs to the
<br />rooms so rented and account due him by the County, leaving a balance of $53.35 now due
<br />for rent of which amount $25.00 is to be paid June lot next and the balance on August
<br />let 1933. It was further ordered no rent be charged Mr. Cobb as long as he is attorney
<br />for the Board of County Commissioners.
<br />The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Yongue:
<br />WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida has, by special act, authorized
<br />the County of Indian River, Florida, to provide by resolution that bonds, interest
<br />coupons or or other obligations of such County may be received at par in the redemption of
<br />property within such districts from tax sales or unpaid taxes, whether certified as
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