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r JAN 5 199. BOOK 91 FACE 416 <br />Bobby Hiers, land clearing contractor, felt that the changes <br />are needed so that all land clearing contractors will be on equal <br />footing, and smaller businesses will be able to compete with bigger <br />out-of-town companies. He hoped the Board would approve staff's <br />recommended changes. <br />It was determined that no one else wished to be heard and the <br />Chairman closed the public hearing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Adams, the Board unanimously approved <br />staff's recommended changes to the Land Development <br />Regulations regarding Debris Burning as amended to <br />Section 925.073. <br />Bobby Hiers asked whether the pending ordinance doctrine is to <br />be invoked in this case. <br />Discussion ensued, and staff advised that invoking the pending <br />ordinance doctrine is not necessary in this case. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Adams, the Board unanimously dropped <br />the pending ordinance doctrine regarding the <br />proposed ordinance. <br />COMMUNICATION TOWERS <br />Planning Director Stan Boling continued with his presentation <br />as follows: <br />•Communications Towers <br />Section 2 of the draft ordinance and section 2 of the attached <br />"final" ordinance address communications towers. At its December <br />14th meeting, the Board directed staff to delete from the existing <br />LDRs requirements for special setbacks and a .design fall radius <br />engineer certification as applied to amateur radio communications <br />towers. Also, -the Board directed staff to delete from the proposed <br />ordinance a requirement that amateur radio tower applicants provide <br />special proof that any tower proposed to be over 70' in height is <br />necessary for effective amateur radio communications. <br />Based upon the Board's direction, staff has revised section 2 of <br />the draft ordinance to make the following changes to the existing <br />LDRs: <br />6 <br />