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_ M <br />EYnagency Managemeyd Check W <br />The following checklist is designed to assist you in determining your agency's or aomTRUnif fs <br />level of preparedness <br />If you find tlure are areas of weakness in your local grogram, assistance is available dunugh <br />your local emergency managenunt agency or flit State Division of Emergency Management <br />(904) 4874915 <br />0 Do you have an onagency response and recovery plan for your agency or community? <br />D. Does it designate who will be in drarge of the response and recovery activities? (may consider two different <br />people for these responsibilities) <br />❑ Does it identify the drain of conururnd that would be imposed at the time of the response activities? <br />❑ Is your community using a nurnayement structure different from your day-to-day structure i.e. Incident <br />command System? If so, is it dearly identified and personnel assigned to respective roles now? <br />0 Have key personnel been trained in their disaster response and recovery activities? <br />❑ Who is responsible for the operations of shelters in your area? <br />❑ Have provisions been made for mass care should it be needed? <br />❑ Have the needs of people with special needs been thought through? <br />❑ Do you know what the Fanuiy Protection Program is and have you implemented it for your critical workers? <br />0 Have you entered into muhral aid agreements with neighboring communities, counties, or other reliable sources <br />for resources needed after a disaster? <br />0 Has your community predesignated a staging area for equipment and supplies that will be needed following a <br />major disaster? <br />❑ What is the status of your insumuce coverage on public facilities and equipment? This will severely hinder your <br />ability to receive federal disaster funds if this is not known. <br />0 Who has been designated to be the disaster coordinator with your agency or community? One person should be <br />given the responsibility of knowing how to secure the available federal disaster assistance following an event. <br />❑ Has an emergency operations center and alternate site been designated and equipped to handle any situation? <br />0 Have provisions been made for emergency ordinances and emergency powers been thought through for a <br />community which may not have a quorum of elected officials present? <br />0 What are the procedures for ale i g crifical workers to report for work during non -work times? <br />FLORIDA <br />STATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM <br />7 <br />FEB 111994 3 <br />