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10. RECOMMENDATIONS <br />We recommend a complete retrofit of the HVAC systems in this building due to the conditions of <br />the existing systems as set forth under Section 9 conclusions. <br />Our recommended retrofit would consist of: ' <br />A. One 11) new centrifuged chiller of the heat recovery type of approximately 175 ton capacity. <br />The new chiller would be complete with new cooling tower, chemical treatment system, <br />chilled water pumps, condenser water pump, and cooling tower. The existing 200 ton <br />chiller would be kept as a redundant source of cooling. <br />B. Install approximately eight 18) new roof top air handling units. These units would be of the <br />variable air volume type and would have chilled water coils, pre -filters (30/30), hi -efficiency <br />filters 180%). The units would be designed to take in the prescribed outdoor air 120 <br />dm/person) and to control humidity. The actual number of air handling units would be <br />determined by the details of the final design, however it is felt that three 13) units on the <br />three story portion four (4) on the one story portion and one (1) unit for the two (2) story <br />portion will probably be required to best suit the loads and the phasing requirements. <br />C. Install a new system of chilled water piping from the new chiller to the new roof top units. <br />This system would in general run across the roof tops and thence connect to the coils in <br />the new units. <br />D. ' Connect the new chiller, new pumps, cooling tower and air handling units to the electrical <br />system. Revise service panels as required to support the new electrical loads. <br />E. Install new ductwork, hot water piping, variable air volume terminal control boxes and <br />temperature control one zone at a time making each zone operational upon completion. <br />F. See recommended system diagram in Appendix V. <br />G. Start-up the total system and make operational. <br />The work as set forth above is by nature traumatic in nature since a percentage of the work must <br />occur in and above the ceilings of occupied spaces. Phasing of the work will have to be worked <br />out in detailed to ascertain if a plan can be established that is suitable -to this county officials <br />having jurisdiction. <br />Our suggestion of a phasing plan would be as follows: <br />A. Leave all existing systems operational. <br />B. Install new chiller, new pumps, and new cooling tower leaving existing chiller, pump, and <br />cooling towers operational. <br />C. Install new roof top air handling units. <br />D. Install new chilled water piping from the new chiller to all new roof top air handling units. <br />33 BOOK, 92 FACE , 57 <br />L_A PR - 51994 J <br />