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7/23/2015 9:24:59 AM
Creation date
6/8/2015 4:47:09 PM
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />Notice having been give;L, by publication, as required by law, for the submission <br />of bids for the repair of the Nero Bridge and the time having arrived for the opening <br />of such bids the Clerk proceeded to open and read all bids vubmitted. <br />F. G. Fletcher submitted the only bid for this work, and after carefully consider- <br />ing the same, and the bidder agreeing to amend the same to read the total sum of $1122.00 <br />on motion made, seconded and carried such bid was accepted and payment for such work <br />to Jbe made on report of the Road Superintendent of the amount of work done from time to <br />time. <br />It was moved, seconded and carried that the Road Superintendent clean out road <br />ditch on the Paul Luther road East from Donaldson's place at Winter Beach. <br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were <br />examined, and found correct were approved and ordered paid. Such bills and accounts <br />being on file in the office of the Clerk Circuit Court. The warrants issued in <br />settlement of the bills and accounts being recorded completely in the County Finance <br />Record as provided by law, reference to such record and the list so recorded being made <br />a part of these minutes as fully and completely as if the same were set out herein in <br />d eta:il. <br />The County Depository filed monthly report of receipts and disbursements Of the <br />p � <br />various funds, which having been checked over was found to be correct. <br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried the Board <br />then adjourned. <br />IN-�l <br />t , i <br />MONDAY, JULY 3rd 1933. <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at <br />the Clerk's office in the Court House at Vero Beach, at 10:00 o'clock A.M.Vbnday, July <br />3rd 19339 with the following members of the Board present: J.J.P.Hamilton, Chairman; <br />J.D.Yongue; tem. E. Feazell,Sr., John M. Knight and Edwin A. Helseth. Also present were <br />Biles Marren, Clerk and 1m. Frick, Sheriff. <br />The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. <br />J. W. Hamrick, appeared before the Board regarding a Mr. Engel, who was sick and <br />advised that the citizens of Minter Beach had made up a total of $17.25 to get this man <br />back home in Alabama. Mr. Hamrick requested refund for at least a part of this sum from <br />the Board. It was ordered that $15.65 be appropriated and refunded to the 3 largest <br />contributors of this fund. <br />.Alex MacUilliam member of the Legislature appeared before the Board respecting the <br />taking over for maintenance the Bridges and State Roads in this County by the State Road <br />Department and requested that Fa resolution be adopted urging the State Road Department to <br />lace these items in their budget and take them over. <br />'Mr. MacWilliams as Mayor of Vero Beach, also called attention to the number of woods <br />ires outside the city limits, and requested a County truck be placed in commission and <br />eft with the fire department of the City. It was ordered that Road Superintendent <br />e instructed to ascertain amount of cost to sot up a. truck to assist in fighting woods <br />ires in the County. <br />No tary Public bond of Be riche, A . Haff field in the sum of $5 00.00 with the American <br />Surety Coma <br />p ny, a corporation was approved. <br />
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