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o <br />consider these situations on a case by case basis for waiver of the <br />bonding requirement. Attorney Collins noted that the revision also <br />clears up the language regarding a bond to cover the cost of <br />repairs or road damage. The movers provide liability insurance to <br />cover that. Attorney Collins explained that the bond is pegged to <br />the deposit for improving or bringing the building up to code and <br />utilities hookups. The revision allows the Board to grant waivers <br />on a case by case basis if a community organization presents a case <br />that is worthy. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone <br />wished to be heard in this matter. <br />Charles Cox, organizer of the Coalition for the Homeless, <br />spoke in favor of the revision. He recounted the situation wherein <br />a home was not moved because of the bond requirement and everyone <br />lost. He described the work of his organization and urged the <br />Board to approve the revision. He pointed out that a requirement <br />for three sets of drawings sealed by an architect is a legal <br />barrier to affordable housing and is not. logical because the <br />original construction of the structure would require those <br />drawings. He. felt that the building official should be authorized <br />to permit the buying of the house and notify the Finance Director <br />that the requirements have been met in order to eliminate the legal <br />roadblocks to affordable housing. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the Board's ability to grant <br />waivers to non-profit agencies and procedures for permitting <br />renovation. <br />Attorney Vitunac suggested the language, "Some proof other <br />than drawings which would be satisfactory to the building <br />official." <br />It was the consensus of the Board that staff revise this <br />section to allow waivers for non-profit organizations. <br />(DURING THE ABOVE DISCUSSION, COMMISSIONER EGGERT LEFT THE MEETING <br />TO ATTEND ANOTHER MEETING AND DID NOT RETURN.) <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Adams, the Board (by a vote of 4-+0y <br />Commissioner Eggert having left the meeting) <br />directed staff to proceed to a final hearing for <br />Sections 1 through 23 with the suggested changes in <br />Sections 9, 18, 19 and 20. <br />17 nn <br />August 15, 1994 BOOK �.x,r <br />