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RFP IRC1737-74th Ave and 1st Street SW v2 <br />Proposal Instructions <br />Proposers shall submit the following: <br />Information to Be Submitted: Submit one marked original and three (3) copies (cover says five copies). <br />Submittals must include and are requested to be organized as follows: <br />a. A history of the firm and a description of the range of services offered by the firm. <br />b. Summaries or biographies of the required Superintendent that will be assigned to the County. Include <br />name, background, special skills, number of years with the firm and years of experience. Identify the <br />firm's representative assigned to manage the County's project. <br />c. A detailed description of the Contractor's approach for successful completion of services such as those <br />described within this RFP. <br />d. Provide a projected timeline/schedule with the Proposer's methodology. <br />e. Cost proposal. <br />f. References from the organizations your firm has provided the similar services for in the last five years. <br />Please provide contact name, phone number, email address and project name. <br />g. Sworn statement on Disclosure of Relationships as per Section 105.08 of the Indian River County Code. <br />Method of Selection: The County shall convene a Selection Review Committee of which the responsibility shall <br />be as follows: <br />a. Independently evaluate each Submittal. <br />b. Independently rank each Submittal for meeting minimum qualifications in order of preference. <br />c. Asa "committee of the whole", develop a combined ranking order of all Submittals meeting minimum <br />qualifications. The ranking of firms shall be done in the following manner: <br />1. Each member of the evaluation committee shall evaluate each firm by assigning a number of <br />points for each criterion and then totaling the number of points for all criteria. Each committee <br />member shall then rank the firms on the basis of the total number of points received for all <br />criteria, with the firm receiving the most points being ranked # 1. <br />2. The rankings received by each firm from all committee members shall then be totaled and <br />divided by the number of committee members, to produce an average ranking. <br />3. The firm receiving the lowest average ranking (i.e. closest to # 1) shall be ranked the # 1 firm, <br />and the process repeated until all firms have been ranked according to their average ranking. In <br />the event of a tie, the ranking of tied firms shall be determined by a comparison of the total <br />number of points received by each firm from all committee members. The Review Committee <br />may discuss their reasons for their individual rankings and members revise their rankings <br />accordingly until the committee is satisfied with the rankings. <br />4. After interviews (if interviews are held), and based upon information learned during the <br />interviews, each committee member may change his or her ranking of firms. The evaluation <br />process shall continue until the evaluation committee declares the rankings final. <br />d. The County may, solely at its own option, seek additional Submittals with this or a similar Submittal in <br />the event the County, solely at its own option, determines that the quantity and/or quality of Submittals <br />received is insufficient to meet the County's needs and/or that award of a contract arising from this RFP <br />would not be in the public interest. <br />e. The Committee shall forward its recommendations in accordance with the ranking to the Indian River <br />County Board of County Commissioners, which shall, at its sole option, authorize negotiations of a <br />contract pursuant to the requirements of Florida law. <br />Page 4 of 14 <br />