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S.B. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING JOSEPH MARTORANA'S LIFETIME <br />ACHIEVEMENT AWARD FROM THE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY VETERANS COUNCIL <br />Commissioner Flescher read and presented the Proclamation to retired Sergeant Major <br />Joseph Martorana, who was accompanied by Sergeant Curtis Paulison and Colonel Zickert. Mr. <br />Martorana thanked the Board and spoke of his work with veterans and veterans' organizations. <br />Sergeant Paulison provided a handout (on file) and information on the Veterans Charity Ball to <br />be held from 5:00 — 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 10, 2012, at the Surf Club Hotel. Colonel <br />Zickert relayed that through the efforts of the Sheriff's Office, particularly Deputy Jeff Luther, <br />the Veterans Council had been able to purchase a new bus. <br />5.C. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION HONORING AFRICAN AMERICAN PIONEER DAY <br />FEBRUARY 2012 <br />Commissioner Solari read and presented the Proclamation to honorees Ben Minus, Essie <br />and Tommy Turner; Vanessa Turner; Jerelyn Moore; Martha Bradley; Katherine Washington; <br />Annie Grace Foster; and Anna Mosley Johnson, daughter of the late J.W. Mosley and Willie <br />Lee Mosley. Mr. Minus, Ms. Essie Turner, Martha Bradley, Katherine Washington, Annie <br />Grace Foster, and Anna Mosley Johnson recounted some of their early history and thanked the <br />Commissioners. <br />Deputy Teddy Floyd acknowledged the dedication of the pioneers and thanked the <br />Commissioners for bestowing the honor. <br />February 21, 2012 3 <br />