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S.D. PRESENTATION OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE SPATIAL NEEDS <br />ASSESSMENT AND MASTER PLANNING CONCEPTS FOR FACILITIES EXPANSION BY <br />TONYDONADIO, DONADIO AND ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS <br />Tony Donadio, A.I.A., Donadio & Associates, through a PowerPoint presentation (on <br />file), gave an overview of the master plan for the Sheriff's office facilities expansion project. He <br />showed slides of the existing facilities, the sites of the future expanded administration and jail <br />buildings, and the old Sun Sky Roofing building that is going to be renovated into the new Crime <br />Scene Facility. Mr. Donadio explained that the Master Plan is divided into three phases: Phase 1 <br />— Crime Scene Facility; Phase 2 - Sheriff's Administration and Uniform Division; and Phase 3 - <br />Support Services for the Administration Office. <br />Dave Crabtree, Architects Design Group Inc., continued the PowerPoint presentation to <br />describe various options in Phases 1, 2, and 3 of the Master Plan. He noted that the plans for <br />redevelopment of the Crime Scene Facility are identical in each phase, and that Phase 3 includes <br />the option to construct a parking garage. He thereafter presented estimated costs and project <br />completion times for each design phase, and told Board members that his company could help <br />the County locate funding assistance from grants and programs. <br />Commissioner Davis noted that two of the design options had included moving the <br />retention pond, and suggested that it be moved to 41st Street to reduce the likelihood of having to <br />be moved more than once. <br />Chairman Wheeler stressed the need to have the Sheriff's new Administration Building <br />built as fast as possible, because of the unhealthy condition of the current building. Additionally, <br />he stated that he did not support the construction of a parking garage. <br />County Administrator Joseph Baird, responding to a question, divulged that the funding <br />for Phase 1 would come from the Optional Sales Tax and Law Enforcement Impact Fee <br />revenues. <br />February 21, 2012 4 <br />