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The pre and post tests showed that all 94 students gained knowledge and understanding of <br />science concepts Several of the students started conservation efforts at their schools; i.e. "Ride <br />your bike to school one day a week program", " Recycling your school papers", "Picking up <br />your dogs' Poop", and weekly announcements over the PA system. <br />The students' journals built on their weekly knowledge and their sentence structure and <br />vocabulary improved; however; continued to be of concern. The Audubon Advocates average <br />length of time spent in the after-school science exploration program was 30 hours. <br />This goal was met. <br />Big Brothers Big Sisters of Indian River County <br />Passport to Early Literacy <br />Grant: $ 50,000 <br />Funds Used as of 9/30/17- $50,000 <br />Total Children Served as of 9/30/17: 99 <br />Total Adults Served as of 9/30/17: 48 <br />Taxonomy #: PHI 800.800 <br />Program Description: (3-5 Lines) <br />This community-based program provides one-on-one mentoring and tutoring focusing on <br />emergent literacy skills and social/emotional development of VPK children whose family <br />member(s) are living in poverty. It is also building parent capacity through monthly parent <br />training and three experiential community trips. <br />Comment/2016-2017 Monitoring: (7-10 Lines) <br />This program has hosted 15 of the 15 planned family literacy nights and 4 of the 4 planned <br />experiential trips. The final trip was on April 22"d to the Vero Beach Museum of Art. Based on <br />sign in sheets, there were a total of 552 participants in these events. Several families attended all <br />events and many have attended at least two. Of the individual centers, 60% of students and <br />families attended at least one event (48 out f 81). If families could not attend the sessions, they <br />still received the materials from the VPK center or from program staff who were available to <br />pass out materials during pick up and drop off times. <br />GOALS/OUTCOMES REPORT <br />Outcome #1: 80% of youth who have participated in VPK Mentoring for five months or more, <br />will meet or exceed expectations on the phonological awareness, print knowledge and oral <br />language/vocabulary domains of the Florida VPK Assessment by June, 2016. <br />Progress - <br />End of the year data at the centers showed the following per center/per domain: <br />Phonological Awareness: Average- 91% Meeting or exceeding <br />Cradles- 89% Meeting or exceeding <br />_10— <br />.23 <br />