Laserfiche WebLink
Printing and Reproduction <br />The County shall make direct payment to our office for the cost of printing project plan sheets <br />required for utility coordination and for copies of reports, drawings, specifications, and other <br />pertinent items required by federal, state and local agencies from whom approval of the project <br />must be obtained, material suppliers, and other interested parties, but may charge only for the <br />actual cost of providing such copies based on the following tabulation: <br />8 1/2" x 11" $ 0.12/sheet Blue Line Prints $ 0.333/SF <br />11" x 17" $ 0.50/sheet Reproducible Sepias $ 0.75/SF <br />31/2" diskette $ 2.00/each Reproducible Mylars $ 1.00/SF <br />CD $ 4.00/each <br />