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Comprehensive Plan Coastal Manaeement Element <br />• Hospital facilities are mainly concentrated in Vero. Beach. Under the 2 and 3 foot <br />scenarios approximately 6.8 and 16.5 acres of inundation, respectively, could be <br />possible on the Indian River Medical Center Parcell. Impacts were to undeveloped <br />portions of the parcel and no building infrastructure. would be affected. <br />_• The Indian River County Schools include five charter schools, eight public schools, <br />11 private schools and Indian River Communi y College. Fourteen total schools are <br />designated as storm shelters. None of these were impacted at any scenario. <br />• Evacuation Routes to and from the barrier islands were not shown to be vulnerable to <br />sea level rise at the three scenarios tested. <br />'Note: the currently undeveloped and unelevated east end of the overall IRMC parcel could be <br />impacted under the scenarios tested. <br />Mitigation and adaptation strategies <br />Based on the analysis provided in this element, the majority of the inundation impacts are projected <br />to occur within the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA); consequently, mitigation strategies that will <br />likely have the greatest effect on reducing exposure to inundation risk due to one foot, two foot and <br />three foot SLR scenarios involve reducing. the potential population and vulnerable development <br />within the CHHA. Therefore, the CHHA area should be used as an "Adaptation Action Area" (AAA) <br />to implement strategies that address sea level rise impacts. Strategies that accomplish these <br />objectives include reducing_ public infrastructure expenditures in at risk areas identified on the <br />inundation maps, preventing or capping the number of facilities and similar special <br />needs populations and higher density developments within the CHHA/AAA, and acquiring <br />conservation and open space lands in the CHHA/AAA when feasible. <br />Future adaptation strategies may include relocation and/or elevation of critical infrastructure facilities <br />and roadways where appropriate, incorporation of living shorelines that provide coastal resilience <br />and carbon sequestration benefits, and improvements to stormwater conveyance systems that may be <br />susceptible to failure as a result of rising groundwater and tide. levels. Additionally, saltwater <br />intrusion will be a growing concern based on the cumulative effects of projected potential SLR <br />inundation and rising groundwater levels. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 45 <br />APPENDIX A <br />