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Comprehensive Plan Coastal Manaeement Element <br />Policy, 13.2: The county, in cooperation with the FWC, USFWS, FIND, and the ELC, will <br />distribute manatee awareness and boating safety materials to local boaters at the time of yearly <br />boat registration and other appropriate locations such as marinas, bait and tackle shops, and <br />public parks. <br />Polio: By 2010, the county shall initiate a monofilament line recycling program by <br />placing marked collection receptacles at boat ramps, marinas, bridges, and strategic locations. <br />Policy 13.4: All existing and new boat facilities (public and private) shall be required to post <br />manatee awareness signs. <br />Policy 13.5: By 2010, all rental vessels, including personal watercraft, in Indian River County <br />shall be required to display stickers or plasticized cards with boating safety and manatee <br />protection information. <br />OBJECTIVE 14 Manatee Protection Measures <br />Through 2015, the annual number of manatee mortalities in Indian River County shall be no <br />more than five (5), excluding unusual events such as red tide or disease outbreaks. Of these <br />annual mortalities, no more than one (1) mortality shall be watercraft -related. <br />Policy 14.1: The county, in cooperation with the City of Vero Beach Utilities Department and <br />the FWC Bureau of Protected Species Management will ensure that disruptions to outflow, <br />and/or inadequate temperatures to sustain manatees during winter are minimized, and that all <br />necessary precautions to minimize hazards at the power plant are initiated. <br />Policy 4_2: The county shall continue to assist the Indian River Mosquito Control District to <br />identify and retrofit any remaining culverts or pipes that pose a threat of manatee entrapment. <br />OBJECTIVE 15 Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategies <br />Through 2060, the County shall adopt, implement, and pursue strategies that increase <br />community resiliency and protect property, infrastructure, and cultural and natural resources <br />from the impacts of sea level rise. <br />Policy 15 1 • By 2022 Public properties and infrastructure including but not limited to water <br />and wastewater facilities stormwater systems, roads, bridges, governmental buildings, <br />hospitals coastal wetlands transit infrastructure and other public assets that may be at risk to <br />sea level rise impacts shall be identified. Based on risk inventory findings, resiliency <br />improvements and relocation of infrastructure shall be considered as part of capital <br />improvement plans, where warranted. <br />Policy 15.2: During major evaluations and overall updates to the comprehensive plan, the best <br />available data and sea level rise projections such as those made by the United States Army <br />Corps of Engineers National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, and the Southeast Florida <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 65 <br />APPENDIX A <br />