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Comorehensive Plan Coastal Management Element <br />Moreover, other data comparisons were evaluated in the analysis including taxable property value <br />ranges impacted based on inundation level, degree of impacts to higher and lower functional <br />classification roads, and total acres impacted based on future land use designation. Those baseline <br />data provided critical insights for implementation of long range adaptation planningstrate lg_es. <br />ANALYSIS <br />Land Use <br />This analysis section addresses issues, problems, and opportunities within the coastal zone. A <br />complete analysis of land use data, including a comparison of land use acreages by classification, is <br />contained in the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />In the past, comprehensive plan policies, including the Future Land Use Map, have successfully <br />directed new residential and nonresidential development to designated areas of the county. <br />Consequently, there have been few amendments to the land use map and only minor adjustments to <br />the county's Urban Service Area boundary since the county's current comprehensive plan was <br />adopted in 1990. In fact, the only significant changes to the Future Land Use Map in the previous <br />decade have been amendments designating publicly acquired environmental lands for conservation. <br />Going forward, the major land use issues facing Indian River County in the coastal zone and in the <br />county overall are urban sprawl, rural sprawl, agricultural preservation, and conservation of natural <br />systems within the context of development. <br />Economy <br />Generally, the county's economy is limited in diversity and largely reliant on service oriented <br />industries. Despite this current lack , of economic diversity, Indian River County has attractive <br />qualities that certain businesses look for. These qualities, which include an available development - <br />ready supply of land and an exceptional quality of life (warm weather, beaches, minimal population <br />density, resource-based recreational opportunities, etc.), will aid the county as it seeks to increase its <br />economic base in the future. <br />• Eco Tourism <br />A significant aspect of the County's quality of life is its natural resources, not the least of which is <br />the Indian River Lagoon. Resources such as the lagoon provide significant economic benefits to the <br />county. According to the Indian River Lagoon Economic Assessment and Analysis Update (2007), <br />the total economic impact in 2007 of visitors to the Indian River Lagoon in Indian River County was <br />over $110 million. <br />Because of its natural assets, as well as cultural heritage, Indian River County has an opportunity to <br />capitalize on ecotourism. From an economic development standpoint, the County, through its <br />County Environmental Lands Program, is actively preserving some of its greatest natural assets and <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 26 <br />APPENDIX A <br />