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Comprehensive Plan Coastal Management Element <br />Indian River Lagoon, the St. Sebastian River, or other surface water bodies, the County's policy <br />should be to promote the connection of waterfront subdivisions to the sanitary sewer system. A <br />complete analysis of sanitary sewer is provided in the Sanitary Sewer Sub -Element. <br />• Stormwater Management <br />Since 1990, stormwater management facilities in the county have been designed to handle a 25 <br />year/24 hour storm event, as well as to provide treatment before discharging stormwater runoff. <br />Because many sections of the county were developed prior to 1990, the level of service for <br />stormwater management facilities continues to vary throughout the county. Over the past several <br />years, the county has made progress in reducing flood hazards by constructing stormwater <br />management projects in certain areas of the county with known flooding problems, including Vero <br />Lake Estates, east Gifford and the Rockridge Subdivision. Moreover, projects such as the Sebastian <br />Stormwater Park and the North Relief Canal Pollution Control Facility, described previously in this <br />report, contribute to improved stormwater quality. Despite implementation of these projects, the <br />county needs to continue to identify, seek funding, and construct new stormwater improvement <br />projects in areas where needed. A more complete analysis of the County's stormwater management <br />facilities is contained in the Stormwater Management Sub -Element. <br />Sea Level Rise <br />Since the completion of the SLR vulnerability assessment in 2012 that was described in the Existing <br />Conditions section, Senate Bill 1094 was enacted, modifying Florida Statute section 163.3178(2)(fl <br />to require, amongother ther provisions, that local governments in Florida "include development and <br />redevelopment principles, strategies, and engineering solutions that reduce the flood risk in coastal <br />areas which results from high -tide events, storm surge, flash floods, stormwater runoff, and the <br />related impacts of sea -level rise within the coastal management elements of their comprehensive <br />plans. In accordance with this legislation, and based on the best available data from the.NOAA <br />Coastal Service Center sea level projection models and best available local projected inundation <br />data, County SLR inundation maps have been incorporated into this Coastal Management Element <br />for planning purposes (Figures 9.16, 9.17, and 9.18). <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 40 <br />APPENDIX A <br />