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The SRA will ensure that all service personnel receive periodic ADA <br />training that incorporates the seven ADA service provisions. The SRA <br />will provide reasonable accommodations as defined by the 'ADA to all <br />transit patrons requiring special accommodations and will ensure that its <br />facilities and vehicles are ADA accessible. The SRA will also maintain <br />and adhere to its adopted ADA complaint procedures. <br />4. To solicit public comment on fare and service changes: <br />The SRA will present any proposed fare and service changes at a public <br />hearing prior to adoption. Comments received during the public hearing <br />must be considered by the SRA in the implementation of fare and service <br />changes, particularly fare increases and service reductions. <br />5. To collect, compile, and report National Transit Database Information: <br />The SRA will collect, compile, and report applicable system information <br />as required under 49 USC, Section 5335(a). This information will be <br />reported in the format and time frame required. At least one week prior to <br />submitting National Transit Database information, the SRA shall submit a <br />copy of that information for the County to review. <br />6. To comply with all FTA Civil Rigbts Requirements: <br />The SRA will maintain its Title VI program, comply with DBE <br />requirements in hiring and procurement, and provide DBE data on time. <br />g. To perform regular vehicle maintenance on all transit vehicles: <br />SRA will perform all preventive maintenance as scheduled and in conformance <br />with the Indian River County Transit Vehicle and Accessibility Feature <br />maintenance plan. <br />VI. Public Records Compliance <br />A. Indian River County is a public agency subject to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. The <br />Contractor shall comply with Florida's Public Records Law. Specifically, the Contractor <br />shall: <br />(1) Keep and maintain public records required by the County to perform the service. <br />(2) Upon request from the County's Custodian of Public Records, provide the <br />County with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or <br />copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in <br />Chapter 119 or as otherwise provided by law. <br />(3) Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from <br />public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for <br />Indian River County Public Transportation Service Agreement Page 5 <br />