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For all CDBG categories, permanent relocation (due to flood plain, non- <br />conforming lot, hazards, etc.) and/or demolition -relocation are synonymous <br />terms used in the rehabilitation program when a home is unsound and not <br />suitable for rehabilitation based on the structural integrity criteria. The units <br />must be redeveloped (replaced) on site or elsewhere due to problems with <br />the site. Homeowner eligibility requirements are the same as for <br />rehabilitation. Further policies are included in the local Anti -displacement and <br />Relocation Policy. In this HAP, demolition -relocation shall refer to <br />replacement housing to build a new unit in place of one that must be <br />demolished for reasons outlined in this HAP and as recommended by the <br />HRS. <br />The Housing Program will comply with the Uniform Relocation Act (URA) and <br />Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970. Except as provided for herein <br />under a Federally Declared Disaster (and then only by Commission Waiver <br />and FDEO approval), the County will not engage in any project under this <br />HAP that displaces any legal, URA -covered occupants. When provided for in <br />the program budget, for homeowner occupied housing assistance, temporary <br />relocation services can be made available to qualified persons who need to <br />relocate while rehabilitation work is completed. The maximum assistance <br />amount and documentation required to show proof of use of funds shall be <br />determined by the County Anti -Displacement and Relocation Policy that <br />covers those situations in great detail. . <br />Applicant homeowners previously approved for proposed housing assistance <br />may voluntarily withdraw their application for assistance, which must be <br />confirmed in writing. If the PA determines the Applicant to be ineligible for <br />assistance, the HRS shall recommend, and the County will send written <br />notification to the Applicant stating that the application has been rejected and <br />the reason for the rejection. <br />9. Property Acquisition: (See the County's URA Policy) <br />In the event the housing program needs or seeks to acquire property to <br />address a specific community need, some fundamentally required steps will <br />need to occur in order to ensure compliance and the success. Each <br />purchase, or acquisition, may vary case by case. <br />However, in general terms, the following should take place: <br />1. Confirm source of funds and authority to acquire, <br />2. Identify the property/site and determine its suitability, <br />3. Perform legal description/boundary survey/preliminary title search <br />(services procured as necessary), <br />4. Send notice of intent to acquire to Owner, <br />5. Solicit appraisal services and retain Appraiser, <br />6. Where recommended by the HRS or program required, solicit review <br />appraisal services and retain review appraiser, <br />13 <br />