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item for submission to the Board. Should the Originating Department prefer to prepare an <br />Agenda Item due to complexity of the bid, the item shall be routed through the Purchasing <br />Division prior to finalization. <br />If a proposed or sample contract is included in the agenda item, the <br />Originating Department is responsible for routing the proposed contract through the office <br />of the County Attorney. The written recommendation should only request permission for <br />the Board Chairman to execute the contract if the proposed or sample contract is included <br />with the agenda item. A contract must be executed by the other party prior to submission <br />to the Board Chairman to sign.; <br />If a proposed or sample contract is not included in the agenda item, it shall <br />be the Originating Department's responsibility at a later date, to prepare an agenda item <br />requesting execution by the Board Chairman, to route the agenda item for required <br />approvals, and to present the item at a Board meeting. A contract must be executed by <br />the other party prior to submission to the Board Chairman to sign. A copy of the agenda <br />item materials and the executed contract shall be provided to the Purchasing Division for <br />its records. <br />If sed sample c;9RtFacA is not iRelude d in the eRda item. it shall <br />appFgyalsi <br />+ts reeer�s. <br />G. <br />Notice of Award. Upon Board approval, the Purchasing Division shall send aha <br />notice of award to the successful bidder and request submittal of two copies of the contract <br />approved by the Board (if applicable), any required certificate(s) of insurance and bond(s). 4—a <br />pFepesed 9F sample GeptFaet was i; the ageRda item appFeved by the ReaFd, the <br />45 <br />.. <br />If sed sample c;9RtFacA is not iRelude d in the eRda item. it shall <br />appFgyalsi <br />+ts reeer�s. <br />G. <br />Notice of Award. Upon Board approval, the Purchasing Division shall send aha <br />notice of award to the successful bidder and request submittal of two copies of the contract <br />approved by the Board (if applicable), any required certificate(s) of insurance and bond(s). 4—a <br />pFepesed 9F sample GeptFaet was i; the ageRda item appFeved by the ReaFd, the <br />45 <br />