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Recorded i 10/17/2018 10:58 AM <br />Carolyn Timmann, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller <br />Rec Fees: 515.3.50 <br />SYN TIME <br />CFN#2721008 BK 3022 PG 58 PAGE l of 18 <br />SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED <br />INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT <br />(MEDICAL EXAMINER) <br />THIS SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT by and between the <br />MEDICAL EXAMINER FOR DISTRICT 19, FLORIDA ("Medical Examiner"), the DISTRICT BOARD OF <br />TRUSTEES ("the Board") of INDIAN RIVER STATE COLLEGE, a public educational institution ("IRSC"), <br />and INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, MARTIN COUNTY, OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, and ST. LUCIE COUNTY, <br />political subdivisions of the State of Florida that collectively constitute Medical Examiner District 19 <br />("the Counties"), for the purpose of providing medical examiner services within Medical Examiner <br />District 19. <br />WHEREAS, the Parties entered into an Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement which <br />the parties desire to further amend and restate. <br />In consideration of the mutual advantages accruing to the parties, the Medical Examiner, the <br />Board, and the Counties agree as follows: <br />SECTION 1. STATUS OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINER AND COUNTIES. <br />(a) The Medical Examiner shall be an independent contractor, not the agent, servant or <br />employee of the Counties or any other entity or organization. As such, he shall maintain complete <br />and total control of his employees, agents and servants. <br />(b) The Medical Examiner, or his designee, shall prepare and submit a total unified budget <br />by April 1 of each year to each County respectively for the operation of the Medical Examiner District <br />which shall be subject to approval of the Counties. As set out in Section 4, budgeted monies shall be <br />paid directly to the Examiner for proper disbursement to entitled parties. <br />(c) The Medical Examiner shall comply with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; <br />Executive Order Number 11246 entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity"; as supplemented by <br />regulations of the United States Department of Labor (41 C.F.R. Part 60); and applicable Federal <br />Regulations concerning non-discrimination on the basis of mental and physical handicaps. <br />(d) The Medical Examiner and the Counties shall comply with all applicable provisions of <br />Chapter 406 of the Florida State Statutes, and rules and regulations of the Medical Examiner's <br />Commission. <br />(e) The Medical Examiner shall comply with applicable Standards of Accountability, <br />including: <br />using an accounting system that meets generally accepted accounting <br />principles. <br />ii. maintaining such records and accounts as are necessary to properly account <br />for funds disbursed to and expended by the Medical Examiner. <br />s:\atty\agreemnt\lnterloc\Medical Examiner — Second Amended & Restated <br />