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Contract# IRL-2018-01 <br />Encumbrance# GLOI-1707 <br />ATTACHMENT A - STATEMENT OF WORK <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNT' — WEST WABASSO PHASE 2 SEPTIC TO SEWER <br />I. INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND <br />The Indian River National Estuary Program (IRLNEP) is continuing its Restoration Project Cost <br />Share Initiative Program in Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-2019 to restore water quality in the Indian River <br />Lagoon. On April 13, 2018, the Indian River Lagoon Council Board of Directors approved funding <br />for Restoration projects (RFP 2018-01). Each project selected for funding will have a positive <br />benefit to one or more of the IRLNEP's core missions; water quality or natural habitat. <br />Indian River County (Recipient) requested funding for their West Wabasso Phase 2 Septic to <br />Sewer Project for the not to exceed amount of $200,000, towards the estimated construction cost of <br />$2,500,000. This request was approved by the IRL Council Board of Directors. The Recipient is <br />— - located in Indian River <br />II. PROJECT VALUE PROPOSITION STATEMENT <br />The objective of this project is to provide cost share dollars that will enable the Recipient to <br />construct a septic to sewer project, which will reduce the nutrient discharge to the Indian River <br />Lagoon. The estimated nutrient -load reduction benefit is 3,131 lbs./yr. of Total Nitrogen. <br />III. LOCATION OF PROJECT <br />The project is located south of CR -510 bounded to the west by 64th Avenue, 62nd Avenue to the east <br />and <br />83rd Street to the south. Please see the following map labeled Exhibit A "Project Location Map". <br />Page 10 <br />