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x O <br />WEST WABASSO PHASE fl <br />O&TIC TO SEWER <br />PROACTLOGMION MIAP <br />IV. SCOPE OF WORK <br />Contract# IRL2018-01 <br />IJneumbrance# GLOI.-1707 <br />VINOTY MAP <br />r. <br />44J��1 <br />9 <br />.,4 `I � r �•�yyy� <br />s <br />EXHIBIT A, PROJECT LOCATION MAP <br />The project is located south of CR -510 bounded to the west by 64th Avenue, 62nd Avenue to the <br />east, and 83`d Street to the south. The project potentially will abandon 54 existing septic systems <br />and connect to centralized sewer, and provide sewer hookups for 47 vacant parcels for a total of <br />101 parcels. The project also includes construction of a gravity sewer system that will provide <br />connection to the 101 parcels. <br />V.. PROJECT TASK IDENTIFICATION <br />The Recipient shall be responsible for the following: <br />• Complete and obtain final project design, construction plans, and specifications; <br />Obtain all required permits, including right of access to the project sites, related to project <br />construction and subsequent operation and maintenance of the completed work; <br />• Assure compliance with all permits and permit conditions; <br />• Provide procurement for project construction; <br />• Perform supervision and inspection of construction; <br />• Perform construction contract administration; <br />• Assure compliance with cost accounting practices and procedures required for <br />reimbursement of cost share funds expended. <br />Page 11 <br />