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Mr. Himanshu Mehta, P.E. GeospteC l <br />18 October 2018 consultants <br />Page 3- <br />SCHEDULE <br />Geosyntec can begin this work immediately following written authorization. Geosyntec will work to finalize <br />conceptual design for the landscaping. We anticipate that we can provide draft design drawings approximately <br />three weeks after authorization,is received (this schedule is dependent on Schmidt Nichols). Once the design is <br />finalized, Geosyntec will prepare the bid specification documents and will provide draft bid specification. <br />documents to IRC within.two weeks from the finalization of the design. <br />BUDGET ESTIMATE <br />A. budget estimate for:the scope of work outlined in Tasks 1 through 3 of this proposal is summarized in the <br />following table. The budget estimate presented in this proposal is based on Geosyntec's understanding of the <br />project requirements, our experience at the Site, and experience with similar activities for other sites. Geosyntec <br />will not exceed the budget estimate without prior approval and written authorization from IRC SWDD. <br />Task 1 —Project Management. $2,871 <br />Task 2—Finalize.Landscaping Conceptual Design $6,862. <br />Task 3 = Bid Specification Packages $6,149 <br />TOTAL $15,882 . <br />CLOSURE <br />Geosyntec appreciates. this opportunity to offer our services. If this: proposal is acceptable, please indicate your <br />agreement by signing the attached work authorization, which references this proposal: Please return one signed <br />work authorization to Ms. Johnson's attention. Please call either of the undersigned :with questions you may have <br />as you review this proposal. <br />Sincerely, <br />w r�� <br />Cristina .Graver, P.E. 1:W. Johnson; P.G. <br />Engineer Principal . <br />Cc: David Latham, P.G., Geosyntec Consultants <br />Nandra Weeks, P.E.,.GeosynteeConsultants <br />Attachments <br />XR18011 Phase 1 Gifford rev <br />engineers I scientists I innovators <br />