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by the Contractor; testing data provided by the Contractor; final as -built plans provided by <br />the Contractor; meeting documentation; documentation of field changes; progress and <br />final payment documentation; Contractor .RFIs and change order requests; approved <br />change orders; and final project punchlists. <br />Construction Observation & Start -Up <br />1. Observe the Contractor's construction activities and materials incorporated into the work <br />during periodic site visits. <br />• Prepare and maintain written reports of the Contractor's progress and of significant <br />events affecting the work. <br />• Record noteworthy incidents or events with video and/or still photography. <br />2. Observe and document construction testing activities — including materials testing, utility <br />testing, and other related activities. <br />Fee Schedule: <br />Masteller & Moler, Inc. will provide the described services for a not to exceed fee of $13,395.00. <br />The anticipated tasks and specified staff with estimated hours is shown in the attached "Estimated <br />Fee Breakdown." <br />Time Schedule: <br />Final Construction to be completed on or before November 30, 2018. <br />File#1422 <br />(W 0 #3_A m e n d# 1_ 18-1019. d o cx ) <br />Exhibit "A" - 2 <br />