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5,0 <br />1 <br />PREPARED BY: 5�} <br />Eric 0. Rapkin, Esq. <br />Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP <br />201 South Biscayne Boulevard. Suite 2300 <br />Miami, Florida 33131 <br />In TFE RECORrS OF <br />d'r! !-F.0 K. Br.10C:: <br />CLERK CIR.:UIT COURT <br />INDIAN RIVER CO.. FLA. <br />RESERVED FOR USE BY <br />CLL'RK OF CIRCUIT COURT <br />Page t of 6 <br />DOCUMENTARY STAMPS <br />RECORD A.\D RETC'R\ TO: DEED $ 7 o e u o , oo <br />p Robert C. Reid, Esq. t <br />a Briant; Miller and Olive, P.A. NOTES <br />201 South Monroe Street, Suite 500 JEFFREY K. BARTON, CLERK <br />Tallahassee, Florida 32301 INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />o <br />Propert3• Appraiser's Nos.: Portion of Tax Parcel No. 26-32-39-00011-0230-00001.0: Tax Parcel No. <br />l <br />i Q. <br />26-32-39-00011.0250.00001.0: Tae Parcel No. 26-32-39-00011.0240.00001-1; and Tae Parcel No. <br />--Q. <br />.0 <br />26-32-39.00011-0240.00001.0 <br />WARRa.STY DEED <br />ria <br />This WARRANTY DEED, made as of this 297" day of f+-9us{ 2001. between LOS ANGELES <br />N <br />N <br />DODGERS, f\C.. a Dcla%are corporation (the-Granioi ). whose address is 1000 Elysian Park Avcoue, Los Angeles, <br />California 90012. and INDLAN RIVER COL1T Y, FLORIDA. a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "Grantee'). <br />%hose address is 1840 25th Street. Vero Beach Florida 32960. <br />W ITNESSETH: <br />That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sun of Ten and No 100 (510.00) Dollars to it in hand paid by <br />Grantee• the receipt %hereof is hereby aclnoxlcdeed. has granted, bareatned• sold. and conveyed to the Grantee• and b)• <br />these presents docs hereby grant_ bargain sell, and convey unto Grant -e, i6 su;ccssors arid assigns forever. that cerasin real <br />property hing and bang In the County- of Indian River. state of Florida, as more pamcularly described in E.xhibi, -A.- <br />attached hereto and nude a part hereof tthe'Propcm')_ <br />SLBJEC'T ONLY TO Laces and aiscssmcrts tun the year 2001 and subsequent years. all conditions, restrictions. <br />limitations and cascmcats of record rcticcted in Exhibit -B- attached hereto and trade a part hereof (the'Pctntincd <br />Ewrpnons ), arsd -!I :orunz and other coternmeruil re_ulan us. %rigout reimposing same. <br />And Grantor docs hereby fully %arrant the u;lc to the Property. sub)crt as aforeszid. and xill dcfcrd the same <br />a_ amst the !a% fui dairrs. of all persoas %hartrsoer er. <br />Riehl of Fant Rerival. Gran!or hereby rescrvcs to Itself. a suzccmr and usiens. and the recording of this <br />Wananp• Deed constitutes Grantee's granting of. the right of fust refusal to purchase fix Property from Grantee it the <br />Grantee elects to sell the Property at an) nine dung the -Term- (u s•.rch term is defined in that eerain FuQiry Lease <br />Aelermcni loud as of September 1. 2000 for the Property bcraeen Grantee. as lessor. and Grantor. as lessee (tbc-Lean <br />o <br />Agrmnert'). %high Lease Agreement is Intended !o be recorded arnJn, the Pubic Records of Indian River County. Florida <br />folio%tnrg the recordation of &.is Warrann• D-cdl. If Grantee so elects to sell the Property during the Term of the Lease <br />� <br />Al--rccrncoL the Grantor shall traye a fu-, nth: of refusal to the Propcm• and all unp;ovcn=ts located thereon <br />v <br />icollt,nsely, the -Fa;rlin-1 for the b%cit Purzhase Price Ab-,Zh :!re Granite 'AOUld accept (rem a third pam•. The Grantee <br />ON <br />shall not sell the Fa:ihtp 10 any thud pari Junng the Term las dcftaed to the Lease .aereemrnt) until the Grantor hu bccn <br />giv cn urmcn nonce of the pu:z!use price and as o„v rtt.:ty to ; t::chise :hc Facility for suzh price. This right of fust re{ASAI <br />Shull be cver;rsablr as folio%s <br />O <br />cn <br /> <br />EXHIBIT <br />http://ori.indian-river.ol-g///Document/GetDocumentForPrintPNGI?request=AQAAANCM... 6/15/2018 <br />