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Grantee shall notify Grantor of a bona fide offer received by Grantee to sell the Facility, which offer is <br />acceptable to Granrec and which offer shall include a cenificauon by Grantee that the purchase price set forth therein is the <br />lowest purchase price which the Grantcc Hould accept from a Burd party. (Grantee shall not lx required to obtain an <br />executed purchase and sale agreement in order to activate chis right of first refusal. Grantee need only present the terms and <br />conditions of such bona He offer to Grantor as set forth in a signed Icner of intent or similar proposal between Grantee and a <br />third party.) Grantor shall then have sixty (60) days within which to notify Grantee in wnpng of Grantor's election to <br />purchase the Facility on the same terms and conditions as such bona tide offer. If Grantor timely elects to ptuchase the <br />Facility, then the panics shall enter into a purchase and sale agreement reflecting the business terms of such bona fide offer. <br />If Grantor fails to so notify- Grantee ssifhin such sixty (601 day period, then die richt of fust refusal With respect to such bona <br />fide offer shall be deemed to be waited by Grantor and of no further force or effect. This right of first refusal shad be a <br />covenant running with the Property. <br />An Affidasit executed by a duly authorized official on behalf of the Grantee and recorded in the Official Records <br />which sets forth with spccifici4• that the Grantee has provided the foregoing certification and that rite Grantor has not <br />provided lint ly "Miter notice of Grantoi s election and drat a copy ortlu Affidavit Was provided to Grantor at least ten (10) <br />business days prior to its recordation shall be conclusive evidence that the foregoing right of refusal has not been exercised. <br />Repurchase Option. In addition to the richt of first refusal set forth above. Grantor hereby reserves to itself. its <br />successor and assigns, and the rccordin2 of this "'aranty Decd constitutes Grantee's granting of, an option to repurchase the <br />Facility ar its then fair market value (such fair marker value to be determined in the manner described below), whether or not <br />the Grantee desires or has offered to sell the Facility ro a third party, at any time atter rhe Bonds las such terrn is defined in <br />the Lease Agreement) have been retired, and continuing until the expiration or earlier Iemunation of the Term (as defined in <br />the Lease Agreement), provided that the Grantor is still the lessee under the Least Agreement at the hnK of such repurchase. <br />this repurchase option shall be a coverunt running tsith the Propem. <br />For purposes of a rcptuchase of The Facility by the Dodgers pursuant to this rcpt:rchase option. the then fair <br />market %aIuc of the FacdaR• shall be determined by the following procedure! <br />1:11 The Grantor and Grantee shall each sc feet an utdcpcndcnt .M A.1. appraiser. <br />(b) The appraisers selected by the Grantor and Grantee shall then select a third appraks r <br />(th: 'Independent Appraiser'). Tie [ndcpcnient Appraiser shall d:tcrmine the then fair r:wket value of rbc Faciliry using <br />the highest and best use rrtthod. <br />Neither the forecoing n_h: of first refu_:t) no, the Coreeome r-pwchasc option are assignable separate and apart from <br />the Lease Agreement. if the Lcasc Acrccn:-,t is assign -d pursuant to Section 12.01 of the Lease Araeertnent then the richt <br />of first refusal and die re. urchax opnon shall h issIencd to eic y,icnee as pan of:hc assigrurxnt of the Lease Ag:eerxni. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Grzn:or his caused this Warranry Deed to be executed as of ttr_ day and vcu first <br />abose ssnrten. <br />WITNESSES: <br />L,4,/, - <br />Print Namc F•'t <br />Pru t Namcd k (r) —CA -V--5, k t, l~ <br />LOS ANGELES DODGERS. INC.. a Delaware corporation <br />T::;r <br />Gia :;Jri addre55 <br />i t_L.:ra'cd_ ter.: e:� xst pa;cJ <br />1,ti0 Elysian Park A%cnuc <br />Los Anzc;cs. Ciltforrua 90012 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />litip://ori.inclian-riveF.ora///Document/CretDOcumentPorPrintl'NU/?Fecluest=AQAAANCM... 6/15/2018 <br />