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WHEREAS, the City's Water : and . Sewer Department has investigated :the "request and <br />determined that the Easement is no longer:needed by the'City and the sanitary sewer force main is no. <br />longer, in service and has no value to .the. City_ and any interest therein may be transferred to. the County <br />in conjunction with the abandonment of the Easement; and <br />WHEREAS, the .Citv-Councilfinds that the aforementioned _Easement and sanitary sewer force <br />main are no longer needed by the City, granting the request. toabandon the Easement and transfer the' <br />sanitary sewer force main described herein serves a municipal purpose and is in the public interest; <br />NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: <br />Section 1= Adoption of "Whereas" clauses. <br />The foregoing."Whereas" clauses . are hereby adopted_ and incorporated : herein as forming the <br />legislative findings, purpose; and intent of this Resolution. <br />Section 2 - Abandonment of Easement: <br />The.City.of Vero Beach. Floridan hereby declares abandoned all its right; title and.interest the <br />City has or may have jn. that .certain -Easement described as the East 2 Feet of the West 27 .Feet of <br />Tractf-way., <br />s 4: and • 5, Section 3 Township. 33 South, Range 39 East, lying North of the main _relief canal <br />cording to. the plat of the Indian River Fan' ns.Company. Subdivision as recorded in Plat <br />Book 2 at Page:25 of the Public Records of St:. Lucie County,. now, situated and lying in Indian River <br />County; Florida; .pursuant to the Easement and the sanitary sewer force main located within . said <br />Easement, is authorized to, tiansfer to_the County via Bill of Sale, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and <br />incorporated herein, authorizing the. City Manager to execute said Bill of Sale on behalf of the City-. <br />Section 3 ._ Effective Date. <br />This Resolution shall become effective. upon final adoption by the.City Council. <br />. Tn <br />This Resolution was. he, day of!D1�(�f1 018; .after which_ hearing it was . <br />moved for adoption by Councilmember eS seconded by . Councilrriember <br />and adopted y the following vote of the City Council:.. <br />Mayor Harry Howle III V .e_5, <br />Vice Mayor Lange Sykes E' S <br />Councilmember Laura Moss <br />Councilmember Anthony W. Young e 8 <br />C 1 .. <br />ounci member Val Zudansy <br />r <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />NAClient Docs\ResolutionsAEasement.Aband6nmenfl2018-RE413. County 10.9. 18 SB.doc <br />