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WACKENHUT PROPOSAL REVIEWED SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT <br />FUNDED FOR SECURITY IN NEW COURTHOUSE <br />Administrator Chandler reviewed the following memo dated <br />November 10, 1994: <br />TO: Board of County. Commissioners DATE: November 10, 1994 FILE: <br />SUBJECT: Courthouse Security <br />FROM:aures E. Chandler REFERENCES: <br />County Administrator <br />In view of the overall FY 94/95 budget constraints, at the July budget <br />workshops the Board of County Commissioners concurred with the staff <br />recommendation that the Sheriff's proposed budget be reduced to no expense <br />increase. As a result, the Sheriff subsequently submitted cuts totaling $468,050 <br />in courthouse security and the step program. <br />With the scheduled opening of the -new courthouse, the provision of security <br />needs to be addressed. <br />To date the Sheriff's Department has provided the courthouse security. An <br />October 30, 1989administrative order by Chief Judge Geiger authorized and <br />directed the Sheriff of Indian River County to conduct limited weapons searches <br />and monitor entrances and exits (Attachment 1) . Florida Statutes provide that <br />the Sheriff is responsible for courtroom security and the County for the building <br />security (Attachment 11) . The Sheriff has advised that his department will <br />continue the total security if the funding is allocated by the County. <br />To provide security for the new courthouse, the Sheriff's original proposed FY <br />94/95 budget included 7 additional positions at an expense of $243,953 <br />( Attachment 111) . The cuts, referred to previously, included the 7 additional <br />positions, as well as a decrease in funding for 1 existing bailiff position, for a <br />total reduction of $278,593. <br />To formulate a recommended plan for the new courthouse, staff met with the <br />Sheriff and his staff. As a result, the Sheriff submitted a revised budget <br />totaling $282,492 (Attachment IV) for the balance of this fiscal year. This <br />revised 10 month budget would equate to approximately $335,023 annually. The <br />proposed annualized expense Is higher than the original proposed security <br />budget and more than the $278,593 cut. The difference is primarily in two <br />areas. First, 8 additional positions are proposed as compared to 7 originally. <br />The Sheriff indicated that as construction progressed, a re-evaluation of <br />security requirements reflected a need for the additional position. The second <br />area is attributed to the fact that individuals with prior experience will be <br />recruited. Considering the timing, the Sheriff advised that If approved, the <br />total security could not be achieved until mid-February at best. However, he <br />indicated that by the opening, the Department would be in a position to provide <br />security at the major points as in the current building. <br />29 <br />November 15, 1994 <br />BOOK b 3 PA;L 7 4"1 <br />