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BOOK . nu4 it i <br />Considering the differential in expense, staff requested a proposal from <br />Wackenhut for building security ( non-baliiff) . An assessment was made by <br />Wackenhut and a proposal submitted ( Attachment v). The proposal contains a <br />recommended requirement to provide non -bailiff security of 13 total positions (11 <br />Wackenhut, 2 Sheriff) . This compares to 10 by the Sheriff (2 existing, 8 <br />additional) . The primary difference is in the Sheriff's ability to utilize <br />volunteers, as well as supervision. The total proposed annualized expense is <br />$425,510. Included in that amount, is $21,125 to cover the Clerks proposed <br />operational hours for the cashier's office from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and the <br />court weekend requirements for preliminary hearings. The Sheriff's office had <br />not been apprised of the proposed cashiers hours, and therefore was not <br />included In the revised estimate, nor- was the weekend requirement. The <br />estimated annual expense, on an overtime basis, is $13,880. <br />In summary, the total estimated annual expense is $425,510 for the Wackenhut <br />service compared to $348;903 if provided by the Sheriff (both expenses assume <br />the proposed cashier operational hours) . Considering the expense differential <br />and that both reflect essentially the same security level requirements, it is <br />recommended that the Sheriff provide the service. <br />Funding required for the estimated 10 month expense is $294,062. The <br />recommended funding sources are $262,562 General Fund Contingency and <br />$31,500 from the funding provided by the School District for the SRO program <br />after adoption of the budget. If approved, the General Fund Contingency <br />balance would be $387,438. <br />After Administrator Chandler confirmed that three additional <br />deputies would each be assigned to a courtroom, Commissioner Macht <br />spoke in opposition to hiring three deputies for the courtrooms in <br />order to save taxpayers' money, reasoning that bailiffs were <br />present. Administrator Chandler explained that having a deputy in <br />each courtroom had been recommended by the Sheriff and judges <br />initially because the bailiffs were not always in the courtroom and <br />had other duties. In addition, Wackenhut had done a completely <br />independent assessment, and made the same recommendation. <br />Chairman Tippin, saying no one was more cautious with <br />taxpayers' dollars than he and citing recent incidents in the <br />Administration Building, declared that he had changed his mind, and <br />agreed that security in the courtrooms was necessary. <br />Sheriff Gary Wheeler confirmed his agreement with staff's <br />recommendation. <br />In response to Commissioner Macht's inquiry, Administrator <br />Chandler -advised that no funding would come from the Clerk's <br />budget, and that there had been further clarification with respect <br />to a half hour difference since Wackenhut's proposal was received. <br />Wackenhut had contacted the Clerk for his requirements and the <br />proposal was now the same as what the Sheriff would provide. <br />30 <br />November 15, 1994 <br />M M M <br />