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MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Macht, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Adams to defer hiring <br />three extra security officers for the <br />courtrooms until the Board was convinced they <br />were necessary. <br />Sheriff Wheeler recommended that Commissioner Macht meet and <br />talk with the judges so he would thoroughly understand the <br />operation and the need for courtroom security officers. He <br />explained the duties of bailiffs. He would not reduce staff <br />further, it already had been cut below what it should be, and a <br />relief factor was not provided. He did not believe he could <br />provide adequate security without those personnel and declared that <br />without the three additional deputies, he would decline to do the <br />security and -would not accept liability of the Courthouse. <br />Discussion followed and the Sheriff explained operations and <br />legal requirements concerning prisoners. <br />Clerk of the Circuit Court Jeff Barton explained what <br />physically occurred in the courtrooms and other bailiff's <br />responsibilities. He cited statistics from the State Court <br />Administrator's Office concerning the 19th Judicial District which <br />revealed that Indian River County averaged only 10 less jury <br />trials, over the last 5 years, than the other three counties in the <br />circuit combined and, with respect to activity, Indian River County <br />was classified with most of the big counties in the state. He <br />reiterated that their original request was for five and recommended <br />,that the three courtroom deputies not be deleted. <br />Discussion followed. Commissioner Macht asserted the <br />courthouse had been designed with enhanced security and he <br />maintained that extra personnel was unnecessary. <br />Sheriff Wheeler advised that, for security purposes, the <br />building had been designed to have one access point, nevertheless <br />it required security personnel. He reiterated that staff had met <br />extensively, pared down their original requirements, and had <br />presented their recommendation. He added that the visiting judge <br />would be in more frequently after the first of the year. <br />04 <br />November 15, 1994 BOOK W FAL 801 <br />