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BOOK FAQ: <br />The Florida Sesquicentem>tal Commission suggests that your ordinathng <br />Committee be as inclusive as possibit u should be comprised of influaaial and committed <br />members of the business, education, cultural and civic segments of the community; local <br />governments both at the county and the municipal lewd should be evolved as well. You could <br />loose to include a repnnsentarive of each nnuuc r in your coaly and/or a member of the <br />Local. /Regional League of Cities (to help coordinate the cities' activities). Although it will be <br />ultimately up to the County Commission as to the number of members, it is suggested that the <br />Sesquice nteiunial Coom+dmahng Committee haven less than firm and no more than fifteen <br />members. It will also be the decision of your commission as to the composition of the <br />Sesquiceatennisl Committee; however, the members should be people wn'lling to work to make <br />this special occasion a mss. <br />It is requested the this issue be *ad on the amends for the next conmi�+on meednQ-so that <br />W9gk=Ms am made as soon as 92. After appointments are made please Fax (and send a <br />follow-up hard copy) a complete alphabetical list of all appointed members, along with their <br />addresses, phone and fisc numbers. Also please note chairman and vicx-chaimman as they will be <br />the primary points of contact. <br />We look forward to worldog with your Sesquicentennial Coordinating Committee to make the <br />celebration of the 150th anniversary of statehood for Florida a success. If you have father <br />questions please contact the Sesquicentennial Commission office at <br />Florida Sesgndeentenaial Commission <br />Florida 150 <br />Florida Department of State <br />Tanabassee, Florida 32399-0250 <br />PH 904/921-0150 FAX 904/488-3353 <br />Senator Cut ICser, <br />Chairman <br />Florida Sesquicentennial Commission <br />Robert 0. Gfinan <br />Chairman Tippin requested that a list of prospective <br />candidates be developed and that appointments be postponed to the <br />next meeting. <br />LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION MEETING <br />Chairman Tippin requested Vice Chairman Macht to represent the <br />Commission at the Legislative Delegation meeting to be held on <br />November 30. <br />November 15, 1994 <br />44 <br />M M <br />