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REPORT ON FACo - POLICY AND FINANCE C0AEVIITTEE MEETINGS <br />Commissioner Adams reported on the FACo Policy Development <br />Committee meeting held yesterday in Tampa, the second of three or <br />four to be held in order to complete their task by the end of the <br />month. She recounted that they had met in October and formulated <br />issues for support before the Legislature. She attended the Growth <br />Management and Physical Development Committee and the Finance and <br />Administration Committee meetings. Joyce Johnston, Director of <br />Welfare, had also attended meetings on social injustice 'and <br />criminal affairs. Commissioner Adams highlighted some of the <br />following issues: <br />With respect to Growth Management, they took a defensive <br />position on: <br />1) the prohibition of involuntary annexations; <br />2) county home rule authority to develop and impose <br />impact fees; <br />3) private property rights. <br />The major initiative will be to support streamlining the <br />comprehensive plan amendment process, including authorizing the DCA <br />to delegate small scale plan amendment review and approval to local <br />governments. <br />Under Transportation, they took a defensive position in <br />supporting the reclassification approach, but are opposing the <br />forced transfer of roads and bridges to counties if not accompanied <br />with maintenance funds. <br />Under Environmental Resources, as an initiative, they will <br />very strongly support removal of restrictions on the allowable uses <br />for waste tire grant monies to allow flexibility in funding <br />projects, such as closing or monitoring landfills. <br />FACo also adopted a defensive position in opposing state pre- <br />emption of county environmental regulatory authority. <br />Because of the many issues addressed by FACo, and the fact <br />copies of the list and her notes from the meeting were distributed <br />to each Commissioner, Commissioner Adams shortened her report at <br />this point to mention two other important issues of solid waste <br />flow control legislation and close monitoring of the water policy. <br />Commissioner Adams highlighted four of many issues from the <br />Finance & Administration Policy Development Committee meeting: <br />1) partial year ad valorem assessments; <br />2) allowing counties with populations greater than 50,000 to <br />have some flexibility with local option sales tax usage, <br />for example using funds to close landfills; <br />E,V <br />November 15 1994 BOOK <br />