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< JOHNSON-DAVIS, INC. <br />863 S. Kjngs Hwy, <br />Fort Pierce, FL 34945 <br />r hone (772) 468-9200 <br />Fax (772) 468-9202. <br />WHAT TO DO ABOUT HARASSING CONDUCT... <br />An. employee who believes he or another Company employee has been <br />subjected to harassing conduct should immediately contact the Human <br />Resources Director. A prompt investigation will be conducted of each and <br />every complaint and appropriate action will. be taken. Employees are <br />required to participate in all J -D investigations. <br />Complaints will be handled confidentially, to the extent possible. The <br />Human Resources Director has the responsibility for investigating and <br />resolving complaints of harassment. In the event of a cornplaint involving the <br />Human Resources Director, J -D's President should. be notified and he will <br />fulfill the investigatory role in this process. <br />No Retaliation or Reprisals <br />Employees have a duty to report any harassment they either experience or <br />observe, regardless of whether the alleged harassment is being perpetrated by a <br />J -D employee or any other third party. Under no circumstances will a person <br />be retaliated against because of a bona fide report of harassing conduct. <br />Druz -Free Wor.lplace <br />J -D is committed. to protecting the safety, health, and well-being of its <br />employees and all individuals who come into contact, with. its workplace and <br />property, and/or use its products and services. As part of this mission, J -D is <br />committed to maintaining a Drug -Free Workplace.. <br />Substance abuse, which includes the possession., use or sale of illegal drugs <br />or the unlawful use or misuse of lawful substances, including alcohol and <br />prescription drugs, will not be tolerated. J -D also prohibits the illicit use, <br />possession, sale, attempted sale, purchase, attempted purchase, conveyance, <br />distribution, cultivation or manufacture of illegal drugs, intoxicants, or <br />controlled substances in any amount or in any manner. It is a condition of <br />employment at J -D to refrain from using illegal drugs and unlawfully using <br />lawful substances, including alcohol and prescription medicines, and to <br />abide by the guidelines of the Company's .Drug -Free Workplace Policy. <br />