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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final November 13, 2018 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Vice Chairman <br />Solari, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the following <br />vote: <br />Aye: 5- Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner Flescher, <br />Commissioner Zorc, and Vice Chairman Solari <br />The Chairman called a break at 10:24 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at 2:00 <br />p.m. with all members present. Discussion commenced on Item 12.G3. Re -Use <br />Plan. <br />12.G.3. 18-2466 Re -Use Plan <br />Recommended action: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners consider the following: <br />Authorize staff to negotiate a cost proposal with one of the' engineering firms in the <br />2018 Continuing Consulting Engineering Services Agreement for Professional <br />Services for a detailed evaluation of a Re -use Master Plan. The evaluation is to <br />include funding requirements, build out scenarios, land development regulation <br />changes, regulatory compliance, sources of funding, timing and appropriate rate <br />structure modifications and/or rate adjustments; and, Authorize staff to negotiate a <br />cost proposal to determine the feasibility of a pressurized re -use system within the <br />Barrier Island area, specifically along AIA south of CR -510. <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Vincent Burke, Director of Utilities Services, presented his department's analysis on <br />the potential for creating a pressurized re -use water system for the County. Staff <br />had budgeted funds in Fiscal Year 2018/19 to contract for a detailed evaluation of a <br />Re -Use Master Plan; Director Burke touched upon some of the major <br />considerations the study would cover. <br />Additionally, in light of the recently executed agreement to have the County <br />provide re -use water to John's Island, staff suggested negotiating a cost proposal to <br />evaluate expanding a pressurized re -use water system to the barrier island along <br />AIA. <br />A discussion followed among the Board and staff regarding: the cost impact to <br />residents as well as maintenance concerns, and other County's experiences; a <br />request to have the study pinpoint the amount potable water being used for <br />irrigation among residents on the barrier island; the safety of using re -use water <br />for citrus groves and the need for further evaluation; clarification on the logistics <br />and infrastructure requirements, as well as the impact to the County's regular water <br />supply permits. <br />Joseph Paladin, Black Swan Consulting, noted St. Lucie County, and St. Lucie West <br />were currently utilizing re -use water. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 10 <br />