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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final November 13, 2018 <br />A motion was made by Vice Chairman Solari, seconded by Commissioner Flescher, <br />to approve staffs recommendations with the additional request to have staff <br />investigate which neighborhoods on the barrier island use potable water for <br />irrigation. The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5- Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Solari, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner <br />Flescher, and Commissioner Zorc <br />12.G.4. 18-2500 Comprehensive Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed (Reuse) Water Rate Study, and <br />Water and Sewer Impact Fee Study Recommendations - Deferred from Meeting of <br />November 6, 2018 <br />Recommended Action: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) authorize the <br />following: 1. Implement changes to go into effect on March 1, 2019; 2. Modify the <br />billing to reflect usage to the nearest 100 gallons rather than 1,000 gallons; 3. Adopt <br />rate scenario 3; 4. Adopt the rates and fees as depicted in Attachment 5; 5. Adopt <br />the miscellaneous charges as reflected on Attachment 6; 6. Adopt the impact fees as <br />depicted in Attachment 7; and, 7. Provide an allowance for an annual Consumer <br />Price Index increase contingent upon BCC approval each year. <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Attachment 1 -Water and Sewer Rate Scenarios <br />Attachment 2 -Comparison of Bills Using Current and Proposed Rates <br />Attachment 3 -Comparison of Billing Events Between Existing and <br />Alternative Rate Structures <br />Attachment 4 -Percentage of Events by Tier <br />Attachment 5 -Fundamental Rate Modifications <br />Attachment 6 -Miscellaneous Charges <br />Attachment 7 -Impact Fees <br />Comprehensive Water. Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Rate Study <br />Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study <br />Director of Utilities Services Vincent Burke used a PowerPoint presentation to <br />provide the Board with additional information from the Comprehensive Water, <br />Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water Rate Study, as well as the Water and Wastewater <br />Impact Fee Study which were both initially presented at the October 2, 2018 Board <br />meeting. Utility Finance Manager Cindy Corrente was also present to answer any <br />questions. <br />As requested, staff returned with further rate scenarios designed to encourage water <br />conservation and penalize high-volume users; several slides used side-by-side <br />comparisons to show the existing rates versus the newly proposed ones. In <br />addition to the rate and fee modifications, staff presented several other <br />recommendations that were drawn from the rate and fee studies. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 11 <br />