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18. Noncompliance. Any Grantee that is not following Florida statutes or rules, the terms of <br />the grant agreement Florida Department of State policies and guidance, local policies, <br />or other applicable law or that has not submitted required reports or satisfied other <br />administrative requirements for. other Division of Library and Information Services grants or <br />grants from any other Office of Cultural, Historical, and Information Programs (OCHIP) <br />Division will be in noncompliance status and subject to the OCHIP Grants Compliance <br />Procedure. OCHIP Divisions include the Division of Cultural Affairs, the Division of <br />Historical Resources, and the Division of Library and Information Services. Grant <br />compliance issues mustbe resolved before a grant award agreement may be executed and. <br />before grant payments for any OCHIP grant may be released. <br />19. Accounting Requirements. The Grantee must maintain an accounting system that provides <br />a complete record of the use of all grant funds as follows:. <br />The accounting system must be able to specifically identify and provide audit trailsthat <br />trace the receipt, maintenance and expenditure of state funds; <br />b) Accounting records must adequately identify the sources and application of funds .for all <br />grantactivities and must classify and identify grant funds by using the same budget <br />categories that were approved in the grant application. If Grantee's accounting system <br />accumulates data in a different format than the one in the grant application, subsidiary <br />records must document and reconcile the amounts shown in the Grantee's accounting <br />records to those amounts reported to the Division;.. <br />c) An interest-bearing checking account or accounts in a state or federally chartered <br />institution may be used for revenues and expenses described in the Scope of Work and <br />detailed in the Estimated Project Budget; <br />d) : The name of the account(s) must include the grant award number; <br />e) The Grantee's accounting records must have effective control ' over and accountability for <br />all funds, property and other assets; and <br />f) Accounting records must be supported by source documentation and be in sufficient <br />detail to allow for a proper pre -audit and post -audit (such as invoices, bilis and canceled <br />checks). <br />20. Availability of State Funds. The State. of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under <br />this Agreement are contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Florida. Legislature: In the <br />event that the state funds upon which this Agreement is dependent are withdrawn, this . . <br />Agreement will be automatically terminated and the Division shall have no further liability to <br />the Grantee beyond those amounts already expended prior to the termination date: 'Such <br />termination will not affect the responsibility of the Grantee under this Agreement as to those <br />funds previously distributed. In the event of a state revenue shortfall, the total grant may be <br />reduced accordingly. <br />StateAidto Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02) Page 6 of 10 <br />Chapter IB -2.011(2)(a), Florida, Administrative Code, Effective 10-2018. <br />