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EXHIBIT A <br />AUTHORIZATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT <br />ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR <br />C&D DEBRIS DISPOSAL FACILITY <br />CONTAMINATION EVALUATION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION <br />CCNA-2018 WO NO. 2 <br />This Authorization, when executed, shall be incorporated in and become part of the Continuing <br />Contract Agreement for Professional Services between the Indian River County Solid Waste <br />Disposal District (COUNTY), and CDM Smith Inc. (CONSULTANT), dated April 17, 2018, hereafter <br />referred to as the Contract. <br />PROJECT BACKGROUND <br />In reviewing the August 29, 2017, Evaluation Monitoring Report for the Indian River County <br />Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Disposal Facility, the Florida Department of <br />Environmental Protection (FDEP) requested a Contamination Evaluation Plan (CEP). CONSULTANT <br />prepared this plan on behalf of the COUNTY and submitted it to FDEP on June 18, 2018. FDEP <br />accepted the CEP on November 1, 2018 with the additional requirement of sediment sampling <br />along the Lateral C Canal. This Work Order is for the implementation of the CEP. <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />CONSULTANT will coordinate with the COUNTY in order to provide timely execution of each <br />portion of this project. The Scope of Work is as detailed below. <br />TASK 1.0 - CEP IMPLEMENTATION <br />Subtask 1.1- Coordination, Permitting, Well Installation, Survey, Sampling, and In -Situ <br />Permeability Tests <br />CONSULTANT will assist COUNTY with all sampling preparation activities, including scheduling, <br />staffing, subcontracting, and field equipment preparation. CONSULTANT will coordinate with <br />COUNTY staff and all subcontractors performing the work. CONSULTANT will also make the <br />necessary notifications to FDEP. <br />Installation of three of the new monitoring wells will be in the 74th Avenue right-of-way (ROW). <br />CONSULTANT will prepare and submit the permit application for the ROW permit to the Indian <br />River County Land Development Department. CONSULTANT will include Figure 2 from the CEP to <br />show the approximate locations of the new wells. The applicant for the permit will be IRC SWDD. <br />COUNTY will issue payment for the permit fees. <br />CONSULTANT will contract with JAEE Environmental Services, Inc. (JAEE) to install three new <br />shallow downgradient monitor wells (MW -50S, MW -51S, and MW -52S) and three new shallow <br />upgradient monitor wells (MW -33S, MW -35S, and MW -40S). Prior to the installation, CONSULTANT <br />will locate and mark the proposed well locations before JAEE mobilizes. CONSULTANT will provide <br />full-time oversight during the installation. The installation is estimated to take two days. <br />CDM <br />Smith A-1 jj2388_WO No. 2.docx <br />