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e3lirrurate-----errksting ---- def-i-c--encfes----es <br />prierftized; <br />e----a--realistic;--financially--feasible--funding <br />system--based--on-cu'rx`ent31---avaA-1-b1e' -revenue <br />sources -mast -be -used; <br />e---- development- - regtrletiorrs --that---ensure---the <br />issuanee--o-f--development--orders-end- -permits <br />only- -whelt--fsci- Jt+es--and--ser%-kees--wi-1-1--be <br />ava f i abi e- to--e�odnte--deve+opment- -mUat -be <br />adopted; <br />e----a--momktczrkng- system- -capable - of--determfofng <br />whether -the- xtoptedl liverof- service- standards <br />are---met----end --- the- --sehedurle--- f ---capital <br />improvements -is -followed -must -be -adapted; -and <br />a---- areas --*_`•_e pub,11c--faeklktkeg--erns-services <br />wit} --be -provided-wit-h--pubkic--funds--Trust--be <br />designated- <br />- a development order or permit is issued subject to <br />the conditions that the necessary transportation <br />facilities needed to serve the new development are <br />included in Table 13 24, the county's adopted five- <br />year schedule of priority transportation capital <br />improvements, and are scheduled to be in place or <br />under actual construction not more than two years <br />after issuance of a certificate of occupancy for <br />the development By reference, the schedule_ of <br />capital im2rrovements recognizes and includes <br />transportation projects included in the first three <br />years of the applicable, adopted Florida Department <br />of Transportation five year work program. Table <br />13.24 also includes the estimated date for the <br />commencement of actual construction and the <br />estimated date of completion for each of the <br />transportation capital improvements. where a_ <br />development order or permit is issued pursuant to <br />the provisions of this section, a comprehensive <br />plan amendment will be required to eliminate, <br />defer, or delay construction of any transportation <br />facility improvement which is listed in the five- <br />year schedule of capital improvements, and which is <br />needed to maintain the adopted level of service <br />standard; or <br />at the time a development order or permit is <br />issued, the necessary transportation facilities are <br />the subject of a binding executed agreement which <br />requires the necessary transportation facilities to <br />serve the new development to be in place not more <br />than two years after the issuance of a certificate <br />of occupancy for the development; or <br />at the time a development order or permit is <br />issued, the necessary transportation facilities are <br />guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement, <br />Pursuant to Section 163.3220, F.S., or an agreement <br />or development order issued pursuant to Chapter <br />380, F.S., to be in place or under actual <br />construction not more than two years after issuance <br />of a certificate of occupancy for the development. <br />* only applicable for consideration for the project to which the <br />development order does or will apply. <br />