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WABASSO CORRIDOR PLAN <br />when feasible, install streetlights that complement and <br />enhance the surrounding architecture and landscaping. <br />On a county -wide basis, Indian River County's existing land <br />development regulations (LDRs) already address most of the <br />development design issues on which the Wabasso Corridor Plan <br />focuses. Thus, the existing LDRs set minimum, county -wide <br />standards regarding allowable commercial uses (section 911.10), <br />signs (section 966), screening of dumpsters (section 914.14(14)), <br />building setbacks (section 91.1) and landscaping (section 926). <br />These minimum standards, however, are not sufficient to preserve <br />and promote Wabasso's special character and to meet the objectives <br />for the Wabasso corridor as set forth in this plan. <br />Therefore, this plan contains special regulations for the Wabasso <br />corridor that go beyond the county -wide minimum standards. These <br />special regulations address certain design issues for new non- <br />residential development and major redevelopment in the Wabasso <br />Corridor Plan area. Accordingly, these regulations apply to all <br />parcels within the corridor area. If any portion of a parcel is <br />within the plan area, then the entire parcel is subject to these <br />regulations. Within the plan area, both the county -wide <br />regulations and these special regulations will apply. Where there <br />Is a difference between the county -wide LDR9 and these special <br />regulations, these regulations shall prevail. <br />SPECIAL REGUTATIONS FOR MAJOR NEW DEVELOPMENT AND MAJOR <br />REDEVELOPMENT <br />Future growth in Wabasso will mostly involve two types of major <br />development. One type will be new major development projects <br />occurring on vacant sites. The second type will be major <br />redevelopment projects entailing significant alteration and <br />Improvement of existing developed sites. Such new development or <br />redevelopment will require compliance with special regulations <br />designed to ensure that such projects will further the objectives <br />of the Wabasso Corridor Plan. <br />In the Wabasso Corridor Plan area, the following special <br />regulations shall apply to new non-residential development that <br />requires major site plan approval. <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PAGE 12 <br />