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MA8ASSO CORRIDOR PLAN <br />INPLEawrTION <br />This plan is the guide for all, future development in the wabasso <br />Corridor Plan area. Through adoption of this plan by resolutions <br />the Board of County Comissioners formally endorses the plan's <br />special regulations. implementation of the plan will be as follows: <br />• Land Deve1oment ReMllatLons. Regulatory aspects of the plan <br />4711, be Incorporatodw t n the county's land development <br />regulations (LDRa) through creation of an overlay district. <br />The overlay district will formally define a special zoning <br />district covering the plan area and will codify all special <br />development regulations. <br />• Improvements to Public Infrastructure and Right-Of-ifaY. All <br />aoun y road* por s, and utility improvement projects within <br />the plan area will, be designed and constructed in conformance <br />with the plan. <br />• Maintenance and Code Enforcement. inspections involving <br />suspected or determined code enforcement violations in the <br />plan area will. be given a high priority. Special training <br />will be provided to ensure that new projects in the corridor <br />satisfy the special regulations contained in this plan. <br />• VoluntaKrX Efforts. An internal process will be formalized to <br />ensure all applicants for development projects in the <br />plan area receive a copy of the voluntary architectural and <br />landscaping recomwendations contained in this plan. Through <br />this informational process, project applicants will be <br />encouraged to consider complying with the voluntary guidelines <br />and recommendations. <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PAGE 28 <br />