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MABASSO CORRIDOR PLAN <br />YiOTdAflAltT GUIDELIM <br />Residential subdivisions within the planning area are encouraged to <br />adhere to the sign and landscape buffer requirements along U.S. 1 <br />and CR 510. <br />This section also contains voluntary architectural guidelines. <br />These voluntary guidelines are intended to complement the required <br />development standards contained in the previous sections. <br />These voluntary architectural guidelines are established to <br />encourage, through private and public investment, the development <br />of the Vabasso Corridor as a cohesive, functional and aesthetic <br />whole. The Guidelines contain standards addressing components of <br />the physical development of structures in the Corridor. Based upon <br />location, history, environmental attributes, historic resources and <br />character, these guidelines reflect an architectural theme using <br />elements found throughout Fl.ori.da's past, referred to as "Old <br />Florida" style. <br />The Guidelines provide a coherent statement of the intentions of <br />the Mabasso Corridor Plan and an overall approach to achieving a <br />quality environment. The Guidelines contain standards which <br />provide a baseline for excellent design. <br />The Guidelines are not and cannot be all-inclusive. Here adherence <br />to them will not guarantee or be sufficient to produce an excellent <br />building and a quality environment. No set of guidelines can cover <br />all circumstances. Rather, it is the use of and interpretation of <br />these standards by the county and qualified design professionals, <br />fully supported by committed developers and owners, which produces <br />the intended results. <br />VOLUNTARY ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES <br />GENERAL <br />Besides defining the community's low density, low rise character, <br />building heights should relate to open spaces to allow sufficient <br />light and ventilation, effective use of prevailing winds for <br />cooling, enhancement of views and minimizing the obstruction of <br />views to adjoining structures and other locations. <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PAGE 29 <br />