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a <br />VABASSO CORRIDOR PLAN <br />Buildings should be designed to lessen the appearance of excessive <br />bulk. Ostentatious or overly -prominent building shapes that are <br />out of harmony in context with their visual environment, including <br />adjacent structures and the landscaped framework, are discouraged. <br />The surfaces of enclosing walls of large-scale coerercial <br />structures should incorporate elements relating to the scale of <br />pedestrian movement and view. Vertical enclosing walls should be <br />sub -divided into clearly visible bays, each a minimum of 60 feet in <br />width. <br />The use of the following devices for establishing scale is <br />encouraged: <br />• textured surfaces; <br />• scored joints; <br />• surface articulation or subdivision of vertical surfaces into <br />distinct areas; <br />• rhythmic use of openings `doors, windows, etc.); <br />• scale and proportion of facade; <br />• use of signage to establish scale and proportion; and <br />• installation of landscape elements in front of walls to break <br />up long wall expanses and sloped or otherwise articulated roof <br />lines to develop visual interest at the roof level. <br />SPECIFIC ARCHITECTURAL CRITERIA <br />• Roofs <br />The use of vernacular materials such as standing seam metal or wood <br />shake shingles is encouraged. Roof pitch should range from 9s12 to <br />M12 for primary roofs, and lower pitch for arcades or overhangs. <br />• Doors/Windows <br />Doors and windows should be symoetrical in placement, and should be <br />true divided lite. Casing trim should be 4"-6" and workable <br />shutters sized to fit windows are encouraged. <br />• Siding <br />Siding should be wood horizontal or vertical boards or shake. <br />1 <br />INDIAN RIVBR COUNTY PAGE 30 <br />