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RESOLUTION NO. 2019- <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />REQUESTING THAT THE TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL <br />IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND ESTABLISH AN EROSION <br />CONTROL LINE ON THE SHORELINE FOR <br />APPROXIMATELY 3.0 MILES BETWEEN FDEP <br />MONUMENTS R-70 AND R-86, SETTING FORTH FINDINGS; <br />AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County has had damage to structures and/or coastal lands by <br />storms and erosion in areas of public lands, and <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County has designed and applied for permits to construct a beach <br />restoration project along approximately 3.0 miles of Indian River County shoreline known as the <br />Indian River County Sector 5 Beach and Dune Restoration Project, and <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County proposes to restore the beach along the above shoreline <br />segment with beach quality sand from offshore and or upland/terrestrial borrow sources, and <br />WHEREAS, it is necessary to delineate the boundary between upland properties and <br />sovereign submerged state lands before undertaking the beach and dune restoration project. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Indian River County Board of County <br />Commissioners requests that the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund establish an <br />Erosion Control Line, per the requirements of Section 161.141 Florida Statutes, on the shoreline for <br />approximately 3.0 miles between FDEP Monuments R-70 and R-86. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Local Resolution shall take effect immediately <br />upon its adoption. <br />THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was offered by Commissioner and <br />seconded by Commissioner , and, being put to a vote was as follows: <br />Chairman, Bob Solari <br />Vice Chairman, Susan Adams <br />Peter D. O'Bryan <br />Joseph E. Flescher <br />Tim Zorc <br />36 <br />C:\Users\legistar\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 8\@BCL@E8ODA4BC\@BCL@E8ODA4BC.doc <br />